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RE: Bitcoin (BTC) Morning Update: The Bottom is NEAR!!

in #bitcoin6 years ago

I don't know how long you've been in this game, but after a few of these corrections you understand that it's just not worth the risk trying to time the market, whether or not you're following anyone's TA or not. You might get it right, and make a bit of money buying back on the dip, but more often than not you'll get it wrong, and eventually you realise the pain of missing out on the bull runs is much worse than the pain of seeing your portfolio temporarily down 50%.

I only follow @haejin's blog for buying points only, and to get a feel for where the market is going. Not to trade. Buy and hold is the winning strategy, and only selling when you've reached your moon.

Taxes also come into play, and the hassle of trading and reporting that, and paying the capital gains each time is not worth it.