
I totally agree! To me anything other than BTC is speculation!

I agree now.. too late.. I also thought to jump in some money trains when I started crypto.. I made myself crazy.. if I look now 3 months later I just had to keep BTC and I would have made a profit... now a loss.. Did you ever think about delegation of your SP? I think you can also get a certain amount of SBD each day.. If I would have your SP I would do that.

That is interesting. I will look into it. I know nothing about it.

Let me know if you would need Any info. You Can find me an steemit chat. Yeah you could easily do something without losing your actual sp. Only your vote worth Will be less. So for me that's not Good. Lol😭 but I hope you appreciate the support..

Delegating my vote power must cost something so probably just best for those not curating and instead of losing curation rewards they get something. I am pretty active on here and seem to upvote lots even my own comments.

Yes I know, but I think if you for example delegate it to you get also each day an amount of sbd. So then you don't need to active on the platform. check out inventor16 a friend who does the same . But if you are active on the platform and want to curate yourself then it does not make sense... But maybe you can better do it yourself.. that's better for me, lol... like I wrote, i need to post a lot to correct some stupid beginners mistake on crypto.... and the make my trip to the US in year 2019..

Might be smart to do while away from the internet. Wonder how secure it is?

Btc is still speculation
It's not for sure going to win.

You are right but for me it is the most secure investment available to man so in my mind only 98% secure.

I bet on bitcoin in 2013 and bought 250
I have sold on way up and still hold 45. I believe in this technology 100% but bitcoin has for first time since it was born taken steps backwards in past year. Another Crypto can win this battle but none the less crypto will change everything! I hope bitcoin is the winner but it might be beat by another Crypto

Once you understand with shape shifting they become one:

I believe the longest audit trail will be most trusted. Tripple entry accounting.

That's a good point. I would bet on it for sure. There is a chance ESP with this division in leadership though it effects things to the point another can catch up. I definitely would bet against this but we should all keep it in mind!

After doing more research the audit trail is more important then I first thought. The longest audit trail is definitely more of an advantage then I first realized. Anyone who brushes this off please just look into how important this is!

Excellent. Yes this is the big four in a box (Peat Marwick - Deloitte - Ernest & Young and Price Waterhouse).