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RE: BlockTrades beginning development of Steem Proposal System

in #blocktrades5 years ago

It's great to see a concrete plan for decentralized development. And I agree that we shouldn't change the inflation schedule.

But plundering the author rewards because it's the biggest share is a thoughtless choice. Maybe there's a reason for rewarding the people who contribute content?

Personally, I think curation should cost money, like it does in the real world. And interest is an insignificant factor for investors compared to the dollar price of Steem.

As a compromise, I suggest the following distribution:

  • 10% to Curation
  • 50% to Authors
  • 5% to Commenters
  • 10% to Interest
  • 12.5% to Witnesses
  • 12.5% to the Worker proposal pool

While I don't think SPS should be funded from rewards - at all - I agree with your assessment of curation and author rewards wholeheartedly.
