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RE: BlockTrades beginning development of Steem Proposal System

in #blocktrades5 years ago (edited)

ideally, a centralized entity like steemit inc would be far more efficient and effective in getting things done but it just hasn't happened here so perhaps these changes are necessary

seems to be a bit of resistance against funding coming from authors, although witness rewards are also dangerously low (i think a higher % of witness rewards should be set in SBD but let's leave that aside) and i believe curation is already far too low to the point it promotes behavior that's detrimental to the entire ecosystem

Who's fighting tooth and nail for the 16.6% going into interest payments? I'm assuming that's the part that goes to paying SP staking interest (maybe sbd in savings too)? I can see the justification for rewarding staking but with how the system currently works, this part is mostly inconsequential, costly and fairly redundant imo. At least personally, I wouldn't miss it if it went away entirely to fund this proposal. What do other stakeholders think?


What behaviour detrimental to the system does curation cause when it's too low?

Defund bidbots? Curation rewards aren't anything other than rent seeking. It's because of obscene curation rewards that curation has no relation whatsoever to content quality. Content is nothing more than a vector for profiteering for curators.

Eliminate curation rewards completely. Circle jerks and masturbatory self votes can be dealt with in different ways.

I say take a little from every category and then nothing is dramatically affected. No reason to take it all from one category, especially authors. I could also support taking a slightly higher amount from SP interest as opposed to authors.

I know it might be counter intuitive but this could actually benefit the authors in a very short time after implementation (if i understood this correctly) due to eliminating bot influence.
While the Kevin Wong curation increase proposal would have most likely destroyed STEEM (as i explained in detail weeks ago) this could possibly change the philosophy present on the STEEM blockchain.

Hello, with my qualities posts and content not getting enough visibility,
I would like to plead in any way whether you can help me out by delegating some amount of steem power to me for me to grow my account and curate more. I will be happy for your helping hand been rendered to me and i promise to make careful use of it and use it also to impact and grow others on steemit.
