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RE: My visit to the doctor in Bangkok- The new toys of an hypochondriac

in #blog6 years ago

"I complained a lot about it.
I explained him I lack of motivation.
I told him I'm a millennial and I don't do anything if I don't think to have an impact, plus I have little patience for it.
I could only run if I had a beer to reach."

I think this is something every one struggles with.

I am glad you are just a drama queen and it was only stress instead of a disease. Get your shit together woman! LOL only joking. I am happy you are ok and life is not burdened by sickness


I am! I just danced until 2am (which is a mission here in my town) and I have 5 hours of sleep on my back.
I need to sleep and my brain can't rest.

It sounds like what the Mystics might call a dark night of the soul. The dark night of the soul is good for us, it helps us figure out our true selves. If you do not work with it then it will destroy you. But if you work with your shadow it will allow you back into the light.