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RE: My visit to the doctor in Bangkok- The new toys of an hypochondriac

in #blog6 years ago

I WANT ONE OF THOSE GUNS! I used to have one that looked like that, for hoover-sucking up mosquito's and such. Who knew. But mine didn't light up. So I couldn't use it at night. Major Bummer.
So glad your thyroid is not on the fritz. That's so true, stress is a real person-whacker. How do I deal with it? Hmm, I guess exercise on my bike, and try to not get it in the first place. Which is very hard to do. Oh, and mess about on Steemit, chatting away. That helps me a lot.

I've always thought you should do a tour or your area, and put your view all about it on the site. Kind of a tour guide with your wigs and clothes and COOL WATCHES and such. And put the truly unique Sandrina Spin on it all. Then again, I do posts on deep science, foodcrafting, felinidae, and stories of the peculiar, so what do I know? Anyways, glad you are healthy, and buying cool toys, and got a vacation out of doctor's visits. Good on ya on that one. Have a most peachy day, as I think it is that time right about now. T.T.F.N.