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RE: Pondering consumerism gone mad

in #blog6 years ago

I usually drink Flax milk. Not sure how they catch and milk the Flaxens, but someone has to do it. Sorry you have no real cows in your area. Maybe that is what you could do for work, start a local dairy. OK, bad idea...

Game away, I say, if it makes you happy. There are gazillions of hobbies, and they're just supposed to make you happy. There is no end to what people do for fun. And time they spend doing it.
As for gaming, never done too much of it, Iwas never smart enough to get past level one or into the front door of the castle. Always getting those messages onscreen: "Are you kidding me?!" Hate when that happens.
As my brother used to say, "whatever floats your boat". Followed by: "And if you don't like it, go jump in the lake". Lots of water references here for some reason. Well, I'm off to bed. Have a nice day, and all I shall say, is game away (I'm a poet, and don't even know-it. My feet are size 12, they're Longfellows)