Blackouts for sure, and still my rest goes on

in #blog17 days ago

Hi, guys!

So, we really started to have blackouts. Over the past 24 hours, the power has gone out three times, four hours each, and so far we've been lucky that it was early in the morning or late in the evening. But it won’t be like this all the time, I’ve already found a schedule of shutdowns for our street, and most likely it will be like last winter, four in four. That is, twelve hours a day without electricity at best.

We are lucky that we have an old house, in which a power outage has nothing to do with the availability of water; fortunately, we always have water. I don't know what I would do if it weren't for me.

Today I don’t feel like going to the gym, yesterday I bought fish at the store that I plan to cook for dinner, so I don’t really have to leave the house, so I’ll work out at home. You need to eventually start working on your legs, and that's what I'm going to do today. I have a lot of workout gear at home, so it doesn't really matter whether I work out at the gym or at home. Moreover, I feel that I put the same amount of effort into my classes at home and the results do not suffer.

My diet is also going great and I have started to lose weight very slowly. The main thing is that this progress is maintained. If it is constant, then it’s okay that progress is slow, it will be easier to consolidate the result.

The doctor prescribed me pills that should level out my insulin resistance, but so far I’ve only been taking them for a week and it’s too early to judge the results.




So sorry for the blackouts 😥 by the way happy to see you'd diet goes ooh good job and cute doggie 😍

Here in Ukraine we're already kind of used to them