New Year, New Resolutions. January's Update

in #blog2 years ago

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I made a post at the beginning of the year with some of my new year resolutions. I decided to update it monthly to see if I am keeping myself in check and doing what I am supposed to. This will be the first of 12 updates. January is finally behind us and it is time to update and see where I need to focus more.

These are my own personal goals that I want to record here on the chain so that I may look back on them at a later stage and remind myself of completing them. Once on the chain, always on the chain. January Update.

  • Learn more Korean

I think I could have focused on this more, I did learn a few new things, but not as much as I possibly could. It was just a super busy month.

  • Become a better planner

Slowly getting there, my plans to plan are getting better.

  • Be a better Dad/Husband

Nailing this one so far!

  • Get more organized

Uhm... Yes. I think I missed the mark on this one, but still need to try and focus on it.

  • Create clearer goals and push myself to complete them

Done and dusted, always trying!

  • Lose 15 kilograms (I have let myself go a bit with covid and using the dad bod excuse way too often)

I did alright, a little over 3kg in Jan so not that bad at all. Now I just need to keep it off.

  • Start posting DAILY again.

This was going soooo well, but then I messed up yesterday FEB 1, it was just a day I wish I could rather relive. No time to focus on a post.

  • Budget, budget, budget. Spend less on stuff I don't need

This, I am doing this, keeping myself in check more often. Asking myself more often if I really need it.

  • Increase my crypto portfolio

Always holding, slowly but surely we are going up!

  • Fully launch my crypto game

This is a nightmare at this point. I can't even begin to write about this...

I think I did ok in Jan, maybe not as good as I wanted to. Learning Korean sure needs more work, but I was doing ok on the rest.



I also need to update my new year resolutions, but my January went off well. hopefully my February will be better. I did not post alot though.

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