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RE: Time To Make STEEM A Huge Success By Dropping The Focus On "Quality"

in #busy6 years ago (edited)

hiya Taskman!

i find this post very interesting and i have to think back to when i first came on board and had people tell me how i should write and what was curateable. imo, this was more discouraging and distracting than just letting me write freely. if it weren’t for supportive friends then i would’ve left long ago. i never got a curie or a major recognizion and the words of “not good enough” were communicated. after these words were stated i saw hypocricy and favortism, which made more sense. these standards that are placed on some people but not for others. this has been confirmed by many working in these groups. sad to say.
i agree, that judgments are formed even to the extent that my “naughty” posts almost probibited me access into a group.
it would be nice to think steemit is a quality site but reality sets in and tells us what you stated above, people love “crap posting.”
on the point you brought up regarding regarding exclusionary, isnt that what the new “community” is about? we see many people excluded out of “invite only” groups right here on steemit. it’s not easy to climb up as youve mentioned, if one wants to move up theyve played the Steemit game.
personally, i’m here for the long run and i appreciate your stats.
many people have invited me to other platforms, however, they all have a niche and thats not my thing. my suggestion to people, especially new to steemit is to buy steem when its low, if you cant then stick to writing what you love, reading what you want to, and source all images and quotes. if you can, comment and respond to comments with sincerity (at least one sentence). thats it!
the next point is, some people are here for community and not the money. so quality to them means everything. putting that one out there.



i love how you use....written words. ;) felt

love mah @rawutah!! 🤗

I like your point of view, it makes me review certain aspects and keep learning little by little about this great ocean. Good vibes.

@angelica7 yay glad you feel this way and steem on! :)

Different kinds of people love different kinds of things, so many may love shorter posts that are more general, simple, easy to digest, familiar, or whatever, but there are people out there that are into cooler things, better things, perhaps, especially the #InformationWar community which I prefer.

@joeyarnoldvn yup i agree as i stated in my comment, thanks for your additional list hehe and i'm with them too! love them to pieces, just asked them to add me to their list! so sad when they were banned :(