ColorChallenge Orange Tuesday: “Itching on a Branch”, text and photo by @eric-boucher.

ColorChallenge Orange Tuesday: “Itching on a Branch”

Text and photo by @eric-boucher.

Strangeness comes around a corner on a sunny day when a newly acquired and unusual friend comes wizzing by… Which one of your friends would travelling over 3000 miles to come to my location every year to come by for a seasonal visit? It would take about 150 of them to weigh a total of 1 single pound, with super powerful pectoral muscles taking up to 30% of its entire mass, averaging 1200 heart beats per minute and flapping its wings between 50 and 200 times per seconds, you probably have understood what kind of friend I am referring to: The Rufous Hummingbird.

The season of love for hummingbirds had started a little while earlier in May and, being one of my very favourite subject then, catching a glimpse and a clear photograph of these miracles of the animal kingdom is not only a challenge but an exhilarating experience in itself, at least for me. Being so fast, capable of reaching speeds of over 100 km/h (60 miles per hour) on a dive or half that speed on a horizontal departure and this in 1/10th of a second!

eric-boucher photography “Itching on a Branch” IMG_3056.jpg

Renown for being the fiercest of all hummingbirds, their territorial displays are legendary. Here, this mature elderberry bush provides a perfect watchtower for the nest found about 2 meters below (8 feet). The vivid greens of the young leaves and the ripening berries are offering a great contrast with the sky, the branches and my tiny friend glowing orange.

It had been eating for a while when it decided to perch itself over this branch’s dead end. I had observed many different behaviours over the years and managed to photograph a few of them. In this picture, a scratching maybe even washing behaviour offers an incredible pose as it bent down and twisted itself just under the leaf while keeping watch over my every movement. One more moment witnessing the grace of rufous hummingbirds!



Beautiful. The colors look stunning.

Thanks a lot for the comment, I'm glad you can appreciate it. Namaste :)

you are welcome

I love birds, I guess when I was younger I never paid attention to them cause they were always just there. I've recently become so interested in them. Awesome post! Upvoted for sure!

I love the tone of your comment and the little story you brought forth for us. Thanks for sharing and for the lush appreciative words!

Namaste :)

Hummingbirds intrigue me, more so now with the Rufous. Thank you @eric-boucher.

I know hey!?! They are such a surreal animal. I'm glad you enjoyed and to hear this post peeked your curiosity.

Namaste :)

Truly beautiful... and educational too! Thank you, that was a great read.... Just joined Steemit today and loving the quality and variety of the content on here... you're part of that! Keep up the great work.
With love
Hart Floe

That is the kind of comments and positive light I keep an eye for out here. Such words and behaviour helps us all. Thus, all for one and one for all! Welcome aboard the Steemit Train then.

Namaste :)

Thank you very much my brother... so pleased to be here but can see there is a lot to learn! Glad to have stumbled across this beautiful post on my first day!

Namaste my friend <3

A pleasure, glad you did...

Namaste :)

The post has been upvoted and resteemed! I started to follow you to see more of your work!

Hummingbirds are so wonderful, and it is really cool to see one this orange color, something I have not seen before. Thank you for sharing.

I am so glad you get to experience, second-hand, a rufous humming bird. They are a delight, though quite aggressive... Thank you so very much for the kind words and, especially, the resteem! But more importantly, joining the fellowship really warms my heart once and for all. Much gratitude to you, there's a load more coming our way through this channel. Stay tuned!

Namaste :)

Namaste :)

This is your one of the super work. How could you that. Excellent shot in one word. Sunny day, Blue sky,beautiful green tree and the most important part of this photograph, Humming bird...combining all makes the photograph the best photograph.

thank you so very much!

You sure appreciate this photograph to its full extent, I much gratitude for it is flowing your way.

Namaste :)

Fierce and fluttering spirit messager.

I believe in the tales and legends that revolve around hummingbirds. Whenever I see a hummingbird I imagine a departed soul is near me.

I love the way the depths of your soul rise on every comments you have ever shared with me, they ring and reverberate for a long time along the river of my consciousness.

Much appreciation always! Namaste :)

WOW, what a lucky strike! It seems like this little darling is fighting the wind with all his will!


Just started following you! You're a new discovery thanks to @nainaztengra.


As you can see, the leaves aren't moving a iota sure sign of the situation there then... On the other hand, I have quite a few shots of hummingbirds fighting the winds!

Thanks a lot for joining the circle of this fellowship, it is much appreciated! I look forward to seeing your work too now. ;)

See you soon, namaste :)

Thanks, you're such a gentle soul.

We went up into the Alps yesterday in order to take pictures in one of the smallest village in Italy. At the end of the day I thought: Wow, this was wonderful, such extraordinary images and fabulous characters - but I didn't photograph a single animal.

I must go back in spring and search for the wildlife specifically.


We definitely are on the same wavelength! I look forward to seeing the results of your photography and read about the whole trip!

Namaste :)

So sweet little hummingbird! You are so lucky you caught the perfect moment. I'm glad you also participate on my #colorchallenge! Namaste!

As I was mentioning in the article, I love hummingbirds and they are one of my favourite subject to photograph, for the challenge and their raw beauty. I have LOTS of hummingbird pictures... More to come I guess!?.

Thanks a lot for hosting this wonderful contest, it is so much appreciated and inspires me to post a lot more than I would if you weren't offering it. This is a great inspiration for me and there's more gratitude flowing your way than words can say.

Namaste :)

Nice and colourful. Nature's green is the way to go. I love your ingenuity. Thanks for sharing

Much kindness in your words and thoughts. It is all really appreciated!

Namaste :)

I appreciate your photography skills.Your colorchallenge was the perfect place. . The beauty of birds with green nature, sunny days, In one word perfect place and perfect photography. . Excellent click dear @eric-boucher

Thanks a lot, I am glad you enjoyed it so much. You are too kind with your comment, though I sure appreciate it.

Namaste :)

colorchallenge, photography....
great to share
love natural....
love to read your post

Thanks a lot @shagorshikder!

I really appreciate that you enjoy the natural settings, the photography itself and the stories that come along with these.

Namaste :)

people who enjoy nature are people enjoying life. so much enjoy the holiday in a beautiful natural place most of the world's top celebrities and world's top soccer players.

True that! It sounds like you also had a great time over the Christmas Holidays!?! Namaste :)

This post reminds me of my parents' place in Fort Nelson. They have a red berry tree in their front yard and one winter day a flock of pretty birds would come every year and strip all the berries off the tree in less than an hour.

Cool! Thanks a lot for sharing this little story with us. Namaste :)

Love the hummingbird! I used to feed around 30 of them (very hard to count lol ) with a large feeder. Unfortunately, we acquired a cat to get rid of some I stopped feeding the hummingbirds :)

The "house cats" are one, if not, the most perverse invasive species we found in our modern world. They luckily eat many rodents aways, but deprave us of an awful lot more gifts... As you say, feeding 30 hummingbirds would have been quite incredible a show?!? I'd love to have seen a video of this... Maybe this spring and summer??? ;)

Namaste :)

Outstanding photography,
Hamming bird looking beautiful

Thank you so very much, I am so happy to read you are enjoying this photography this much!

Namaste :)

Hummingbird is one of the most beautiful birds،It has wonderful colors for the viewer، I really like to see that beautiful bird، so good luck my dear friend @eric-boucher👍

Thanks a lot @samer484! This picture must be a bit of a gift for you then!?! ;)

Namaste :)

The shot is perfect,
With a very bright and beautiful

Thanks a lot for the lush and kind comment! I do appreciate it.

Namaste :)

You are welcome @eric-boucher
I am waiting for your next post

lovely photography and incredible place.

I like your written work. carry on.

a debt of gratitude is in order for sharing.

Much gratitude flows back out your way for all these kind words.

Namaste :)

I've never seen this bird in person. She is very beautiful!

She sure is VERY beautiful! I'm glad you enjoyed...

Namaste :)

On the sunny day, living in the green nature of birds, is remarkable. . Great Shot @eric-boucher

Much blessings worth sharing with the community here on Steemit! Thanks a lot for the kind words.

Namaste :)

hummingbirds are amazing. we don't have them in Australia so I find them fascinating whenever I see them traveling.

You just taught me that you didn't have hummingbirds in Australia, I didn't know that! Thanks a lot, they are such an amazing creature... I love them!

Namaste :)

yes we have other types of honey-eaters but none that fly like a hummingbird.

madly in love! thank you for this beauty and I have to tape

Wow, I' so glad you passionately enjoy this photography, maybe it subject more than the shot itself... ;) Thanks for the kind and warm comment, it is much appreciated.

Namaste :)

Best selection for colorchallenge photography dear, Nice shot I appereciate you skills keep it up And I wish you all the best

You are so sweet @ cristitaylor! I try to keep it up on all the postings, much appreciated, namaste :)

I'm impressed with your photo... it is really amazing!!! Have a nice day...

Thanks a lot for your lush compliments @nikosnitza! They are much appreciated and I'm glad to know you are enjoying the results of this photography.

Namaste :)

Me too i am happy to know you.. thank you for your answer..
Namaste 😀

amazing nice struggle take photo of her beautiful bird beautiful colors dazzling amazing sunny weather @ eric boucher do not forget follow @ jhoni thank you👍✨✨✨

Thanks a lot for this celebratory comment, I like it a lot!

Namaste :)

Namaste...suparb work...combinatuon of sky nd tree nd bird looks ossmmn...thnx fr sharing that amazing pics.

My pleasure, I'm glad you enjoyed it so thoroughly!

Namaste :)

Namaste @eric-boucher. Beautiful photograph.

Thanks a bunch @andreste! I'm glad you appreciated.

Namaste :)

What an idea!!!
So cool!!

Thanks, I'm glad you enjoyed.

Namaste :)

Very originals...
Good job..
Success is your...

Thanks a lot, I really appreciate the positive vibes.

Namaste :)

Very nice photography @eric-boucher.

Thank you very much @emma28! This is my pleasure.

Namaste :)

Very nice dark orange. upVoted

I'm glad you enjoy, upvote and appreciate this photography. Much gratitude for it all @offgridlife!

Namaste :)

really awesome color and photography.
thanks for sharing

Thanks a bunch for this kind and warm comment. Namaste :)

It's amazing dear , I'm love this color but Different .I'm also join this challange and My next post On orange colors .


Thanks a lot, I'm glad you are appreciating this picture. I need to go check out your Orange Challenge then!

Namaste :)

Wow! awesome colour challange.

Thanks a lot for the appreciation @sojibmax! Much appreciated.

Namaste :)

Wooooow, could man

Thanks a lot, namaste :)

Be honest, I love colors. I just imagine the beauty of life with colors <3

I can't help to see it all in colours, even my dreams are!

Namaste :)

Those colors are already beautiful <3

Orange is beautiful

I totally agree!

Namaste :)

You got the orange gift for colorchallenge ;) Awesome click ...!

Thanks a lot, I'm really glad you thoroughly enjoy these contests and this style of photography. Much appreciated, as always.

Namaste :)

You know, Natural photos are always amazing. Because we can not define natural things into the words but we can feel it.

Beautiful. Magnificent nature! Thank you for sharing @eric-boucher

Thanks a lot for the kind words, much appreciated on this end. I am also a highly passionate individual when it comes to nature and beauty...

Namaste :)

Well, I'm very happy that we have in common. I like nature and everything related to beauty. Enjoy the simple things in life.
You already earn a follower. Greeting! 🤗

Thanks a lot for the fellowship, much gratitude flows out your way. Namaste :)


Excellent Colorchallenge

Thank you @ahlawat!

Namaste :)

May is coming soon!

If this picture is original work than you should consider doing it more often.

IT IS ORIGINAL WORK, as specified in the title!

I have a huge compendium of photography and share it here on If you look at my blog, you'll see this is what I do here. All original work, both text and photography.

Namaste :)