Warning: W.H.O Global Coup in May!

in #conspiracy2 months ago

By Neenah Payne

In the video below, Dr. Robert Malone explains how the World Health Organization’s Pandemic Treaty and/or International Health Regulations to be voted on May 27 would override our national sovereignty.

The Truth About the Global Pandemic Agreements and Agenda 2030 | FALLOUT (video) 3/29/24

The World Health Organization has been discussing a new pandemic treaty and amendments to the International Health Regulations. What is the real significance of these agreements? What would they look like in America if they were passed? How is it that these agreements could supersede the U.S. Constitution?

And how does it relate to Agenda 2030 and the euphemistically named ‘One Health’ initiative? This could be one of the most important topics of our time—with major implications for the future of medicine, health, and national sovereignty.

WHO Treaty Would Make Bill Gates Global Dictator

In March 2020, Bill Gates told us in April 2020 that we couldn’t go back to normal until almost all 7.5 billion people got the rushed, poorly-tested, novel, gene-altering COVID shots. The corporate media (largely funded by Gates) presented Gates as a humanitarian and philanthropist only concerned with our health. They failed to mention his enormous conflicts of interests. Gates has later bragged that vaccines have been his greatest investment. He has also admitted that the COVID shot did not work well. Yet, it has reportedly killed 17 million people and injured many more. See Ed Dowd Reports on 2023 Disability Pandemic.

Since Bill Gates is the second largest funder of the World Health Organization through the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation and GAVI, he can dictate the policies. So, the WHO Pandemic Treaty or revised IHR will make Gates an unelected global dictator. However, Gates is not a doctor or scientist. He didn’t even graduate from college and he wasn’t elected by anyone. In addition, his advice in 2020 was disastrous! The WHO has a worrisome reliance on the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation.



Sen. Johnson Offers the No WHO Pandemic Treaty Act as an amendment to AUMF Repeal 3/28/23

U.S. Sen. Ron Johnson (R-Wis.) introduced the No WHO Pandemic Treaty Without Senate Approval Act as an amendment to the repeal of the 1991 and 2002 Authorizations for Use of Military Force (AUMF). The No WHO Pandemic Treaty Act would require Senate advice and consent of any convention, agreement, or other international instrument on pandemic prevention, preparedness, and response reached by the World Health Assembly (WHA).

“Today, Democrats defeated my amendment to require Senate ratification for any pandemic agreement with the World Health Organization. Now we know Democrats are willing to relinquish U.S. sovereignty to a global entity. How sad,” the Senator tweeted.

Senator Johnson’s full remarks

Mr. President, last December, the World Health Assembly established an Intergovernmental Negotiating Body to draft a new convention on pandemic prevention and preparedness. In its fourth meeting last month, the negotiating body accepted a draft of this new convention that would give the World Health Organization broad new powers in managing future pandemics. If accepted, it would cement the World Health Organization at the center of a global system for managing future pandemics, and it would erode U.S. sovereignty.

Let me just list a few of the examples of some of the provisions of this draft, and I'll call it a treaty.

Currently, it would require a substantial new financial --U.S. financial commitment-- to an international body without proportional voting power. It would require the U.S. to give the World Health Organization 20% of vaccines and other pandemic-related products produced for future pandemics. It includes a heavy emphasis on the transfer of intellectual property rights to the World Health Organization.

It gives the World Health Organization a leading role in fighting misinformation and disinformation. And as the Twitter Files reveal, that leads to censorship and the suppression and abridging of freedom of speech. It also promotes a global one health approach to health care, including harmonizing regulation under WHO guidance.

The WHO has not earned this power. Far from it. At a critical moment in late 2019 and early 2020, the WHO utterly failed to detect the emerging COVID-19 pandemic and delayed informing its member states. Instead, it was kowtowing to Beijing. Unfortunately, there are indications that the Biden Administration is considering joining this new convention by executive agreement and avoiding the Senate. We should not let this happen. An agreement of such magnitude needs to be submitted to the Senate for advice and consent.

This is not a partisan issue. This is about reclaiming the Senate's prerogatives on international agreements. Mr. President, I call up my amendment number 11 and ask the amendment to be reported by number.

Dems Defeat Amendment to Require Senate Ratification for Any Pandemic Agreement with the WHO (video)

Democrats Defeat Amendment to Require Senate Ratification for Any Pandemic Agreement with the WHO. Senators on Tuesday (March 28) rejected an effort from Ron Johnson (R-Wis.) that would've designated any decision from a World Health Organization (WHO) body related to pandemic preparedness and response as a "treaty"—therefore subject to Senate ratification. It ultimately fell 47-49, with 60 votes needed for passage.

For those interested in stopping the WHO's power grab, please take a moment to visit StopTheWHO.com and start participating in the twice daily meetings dedicated to spreading awareness.

For More Information

Bill Gates’ Growing Global Tyranny
Global Coup By WHO and Bill Gates?
Help Get US Out of UN and WHO Now!
The Growing Revolution Against Globalists
It’s Beginning To Look A Lot Like Genocide!
Najadi: Evict/Arrest Globalists In Switzerland!
WHO Pandemic Treaty Will Enslave Humanity!
COVID Crisis Summit Targets WHO Pandemic Treaty

Neenah Payne writes for Activist Post

Top image: YouTube/GPEnewsdocs

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Until now all governments around the world are considered independent. At least for the formal reasons. Now they don't even care about keeping up appearances! Totalitarianism comes galloping

I wish to see how this will go
Thanks for sharing

who will overrun national governments, and whats even worst is that governments will give out their independece by voting yes... there is no pacific solution to this threat

The truth of Corona has come out in front of the whole world at this time, all these things were false

Glad you shared it! 🙏

If actually only a whole lot of nations can have access to this treaty all across the world. We must also give kudos to the world health organisation for always trying to make sure that things actually work

Thanks for sharing this information.

sharing for more enegagemetn

Health is very special and important for all of us and we all have to take care of our own health and use good quality medicines.

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