coronavirus... 💨💨

in #coronavirus4 years ago (edited)

Is blown by the powers that be.


The Chinese. The Americans.

Many purposes. Perhaps a pandemic can be worse for the "free" countries than for the obedient and orderly Chinese. The Chinese are happy to blow it around.

The old people in America have been lied to for decades. They enjoyed the money, but the bills will come due.

Imagine if presumptive Democratic nominee Joe Biden got bit by the bug, which lead to a messy situation of "can someone with covid19 really run for President??" and then age-old Hillary Clinton rose from the ashes?

It would be a masterful evolution of Clinton corruption. 😂😂

Seems sure as shit that this is manmade btw. I can't reiterate the reasons. Above my paygrade. I can read insight though when the smart people realize that they're onto something. It's basically like the specific way the virus works and forms and attaches itself and whatnot is too perfect and too deliberate where it ending up that way by natural happenstance is just not mathematically realistic.

Regardless, you should always regard everything as a possibility and range of likelihood, and not be too quick to put the 100%/definitive tag on anything. Certainly not just because something is the official version declared by the media.

(I'm a disciplined soyboy and would be very happy to blame it on a meat market lol.)

It might be naturally born out of the meat market. But no way to know, and better to look at all reasonable possibilities as a range of likelihood.

Even being manmade, it could still escape and contaminate us as an accident rather than something deliberate.

If it's deliberate, that would seem awfully gloomy and worrisome. Like maybe life just becomes totally different, maybe you have to have your temperature scanned before you walk into a place of business, or at random checkpoints on the sidewalk, or who knows. Maybe that stuff will happen. Kind of like the next iteration of after 9-11.

And the bigger worry would be the next manmade virus, and the next one, and that they can use germ warfare to shift and shape us however they want.

But I truly believe we will be fine.

The harder they blow, the more they'll rush us into fragmenting off into our own trusted communities, which is where we need to be anyways. And where they stop having control, which is the last thing they want.

(Even if you're not sure about those communities, the point is there's a limit to how aimlessly they can spread germs before it would undermine whatever their goals are.)

So like anything, their "power" is really very fleeting and a careful balancing act. Maybe they can win if we screw up, but really we have the power. They probably are just trying to hang on, and hold as much power for as long as possible.

A lot of their motivation could be like, well, the baby boomers were lied to, there's not much left for their retirement, their standard of living is headed down the tubes. The current system is gonna get caught with its pants down at some point.

And also the old people are a net obligation rather than net producers now, so..


It's a handy way to package the deck of cards as something that showed up out of nowhere (plus I'm sure accomplishes various other things, for various interests -- muscular move). Well done, powers that be. 👏👏


Oh ya, I also heard that coronavirus was originally created as a vaccination for Sars? I don't think that's disputed or conspiracy theory or anything. I think that's just widely known and accepted. (Correct me if wrong.)

Is it getting more clear how the spazzes who are anxious for everything to be vaccinated are actually very risky? They're the ones making it more likely for there to be a bad pandemic. (Even though this is what they accuse others of.)

Being spazzy and anxious to have people in labs cook up vaccines and sterilizations to anything you can conceive of is dangerous and a potentially vicious cycle. Y'all are loons if you don't see that tradeoff.

The people who might once in a while ask questions and generally aren't as neurotic or trying to control what other people do with their body don't seem dangerous to me. And they certainly aren't the ones who caused the covid19 outbreak.

Ya friggin' dopes.


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Well spam doesn't typically make me think it would be a great place and I should go there..

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