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RE: STEEM?USD crashes through THE GROUND TO $0.96563252 - Here is why, and here is what to do

This is good to read. I've invariably increased my interests in cryptocurrency since I been on platform, but it's not something I am super passionate about. Truthfully, some of us kind of resent all the crypto posts earning so well, while we struggle for our stuff to be seen... I haven't felt like I have any credibility or authority to speak on the matter, so it feels like a cool kids club that I don't have access to.

But your suggestion to just get in there and comment even if you ain't the most knowledgeable, To just join the conversation is... Is a good one. I thank you for it.

Resteemed and upvoted!


Thank you for your support.

And yes I once felt that way too. But I soon realised that a the founders and investors that made this place available are crypto investors. It is is their element. There is room for everything. Look at @sweetjsss who is huge. Some think it is ridiculous while many think it is wonderful. I think she is hot lol. And others like @arielthemermaid who is so new and supports my work who is growing by 100 followers a day so far. Good things take time. And keep at it, our time will come. OR we can waste time on Facebook lol