I will avoid positively curating anyone on Hive that is posting to Steem

in #curation4 years ago (edited)

The centralized, sham wannabe witnesses over at Steem are conspiring to outright steal my remaining stake in Steem tomorrow morning. As well as steal the funds of these accounts from legitimate stakeholders:

@bittrix (@darthknight's funds)

See anyone you know? Many have contributed great things to Steem, and continue to be great on Hive.

Steem is dead. It's a disgusting zombie cancer of a blockchain, and tomorrow it will be many times worse than its previous cancer of freezing the accounts of arbitrary stakeholders. The sham witnesses, voted into consensus by a single central vote from Sun Yuchen's account @dev365, will be stealing my funds and the funds of the above users, putting them into a single different account. It boggles my mind that they think this course of action is in their best interests.

Speaking of interests, it's not in mine to curate anyone still posting to that disgusting corpse of a blockchain. Feel free to post wherever you like, but I won't upvote anyone still adding content to Steem, no matter how low effort it is. I don't mind if you comment there, by the way. I'm commenting there myself.

Pictured: A wannabe sham Steem witness shooting himself in the foot. Source

By the way, if you're not powering down and selling your STEEM at this point, you might want to get what you can out of it.


I'm actually thinking of deleting / overwriting all my still existing stuff over there. Does anybody know the best way to arrange this? Because I don't want to leave content there

@engrave made this handy tool. Heed its warnings so you don't zap your Hive account. https://steempruner.site/

Yeah, I saw this and I need to have a deeper look into it.

I finally bit the bullet and used it. Feels great!

and than something unbelievable like today happened

I am overwriting myself at times when I find content that I really like to preserve. I am doing this basically by changing the standard footer as well as anything that would point to Steemit. It is a ongoing project. The first one I changed was my Introduction. Because it is linked to in my footer on any subsequent post on Hive.

I started powering down on Steemit shortly after the sale was announced and only have a few power downs left. It looks like all of the exchanges who list Steem/SBD have locked their wallets today. So even if Justin and his crew haven't stolen our coins there may be nowhere to sell what we have left if these exchanges keep the wallets locked. I feel really bad for all these people who worked tirelessly to promote and grow Steemit only to have their coins stolen. Each and every time something like this happens it casts a shadow on the entire cryptocurrency sector, damaging legitimacy and pushing back mass adoption a little bit more. Thank God we have Hive.

After being surprised I had been upvoting some people still posting to Steem just now, I've decided to unfollow a few people for now.


If you get the ping, please take a moment to read this fairly short post. Let me know if you stop posting to Steem.

Totally understand your point man, I know you were one of the affected accounts, I don't blame you! I respect your decision, I'll continue to milk STEEM to send to HIVE via HIVE-Engine! :) Hope you understand, we all gotta build up our accounts somehow

Ya, I had been seeing how things will go with community engagement and everything there on Steem to see if it would be worth it to try and get anything out of that dead chain. There is no community left there and it is just a shit show. I just finished pruning all of my posts there on Steem using the @engrave pruning tool. I won't be wasting any more of my time with that place. I had been debating on making the full move for a while now.

The Frustration Is Totally Reasonable.

I Myself Was blogging on Steemit and never thought things will end in such a bad and centralised way.

Justin sun totally ruined that platform, which took so many years to build by it's Community and it's members,

Today i feel, how much we need of a true decentralized system.

Hope you and other steem accounts will get back your funds. Totally pissed off because of that Justin sun of a bitch.

Thank you

I cannot bring myself to post on Steem any more even if it makes me a little extra. Not worth it. Most of my rewards were being removed by their official curation account anyway.

It's Hive all the way now!

Sorry about your situation.

I’ve been powering down since day one. I’m posting on Appics to try and recover as much of the over $20,000 that I invested in Steem as I can on my way out the door.

I powered some up to try to help when Steem had a chance of fending Sun off (as the same thieving low-lives that are stealing from me today voted for his witnesses). No good deed goes unpunished, especially when you're dealing with corrupt idiots.

Well... I was right when I made this meme then https://peakd.com/hive-189111/@cmmemes/gonna-try-them-with-some-lube ... unfortunately.
I stopped posting on steem several days ago but I won't stop making fun of it any time soon :P
P.s sorry for your funds we do live in shitty times

Since i heard when i woke up in morning about the new shame drama i decided to stop posting on steem completely, but i wasi powering down my sp there about one month ago freedom what matter and nothing else that is why hive is the best place now.

Some of those witnesses i fucked with their heads, but i feel kinda bad knowing its still hurting 😂

I have been posting on Steem and I am done after confirmation of the contents of that hardfork. If this hardfork happens and assets are illegally seized, I will not be publishing there again.

I have warned them the fork is probably illegal. I have mentioned creative hive is unrelated to their issues and an airdrop is a new asset not a right, etc. They seem to be intent on doing ceiminal actions to get revenge for some other reasons.

Screen Shot 20200519 at 5.09.27 PM.png

yeah, I'm out for good.

I'm very sorry about your funds and the funds of fellow holders of Steem.

Thanks for your consolation

Wow, ChiCom censorship and now outright theft of assets....
I stopped posting at Steem weeks ago. Power down complete in 5 weeks.
All I see over there is a giant circle jerking, reward pool robbing, wankfest anyway.
The dumpster fire continues....

I sure hope you all get your assets back or compensated in full for them because ChiCom Coin (formally STEEM) is probably going to tank if they go live with this.

Thank you

i started powering down all steem a few weeks back and been converting it to hive on blocktrades, i guess i will have to use binance for that matter now... I use to post on dtube and automatically post on steemit too, thought it wont hurt to get a little extra on steemit, but with the recent events it really feels like it doesnt make any sense to post there anymore... Its so painful and frustrating... At least i will be able to power down all my remaining steem and dump it quickly now...