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RE: Dapplr Referral Ideas and Explore / Search Screen in Action

in #dapplr4 years ago

Hi @zacknorman97

Thank you for your feedback and continuous support. We are making use of tags through posts. If you are searching for a tag and any post on the blockchain is making use of it then it will be shown. So we are checking the tags based on its use.


Ah okay, so as long as that tag exists on at least one post on the chain, it'll be able to show up on the search, then. Neat! Is it then sorted out by popularity or often it's been used?

In any case, improvements to the search functions are certainly great news. Back at old Steemit, one of the big problems was discovering new posts, and Communities fixed that by quite a large margin. By being able to search content better, it'll help to not only be able to view old posts, but ones that are more relevant. Cheers 👍 !

We can have the tags based on popularity and let's keep that for the future enhancements.

Thank you for your feedback.

Cheers! Keep up the great work, as always ❤️!