Weather forecast for tonight: dark. (George Carlin)

in #darknesslast month

What kind of weather do you see coming tonight? Are you looking forward to what's ahead, or are you nervous and frustrated about the things going on around you? Our lives are full of challenges and I often feel like the weather forecast for what's ahead is windy, turbulent, and dark. That is challenging, and it is hard to find out exactly what is the right thing to do in such situations.

Yesterday, I had a similar situation that I feared and it kept me tense for a couple of hours. Before I got to the task, I sat in the car, added some loud worship music, and just tried to invite God into the situation and asked him for help.


I must admit, the darkness didn't disappear, but the light and hope in me got bigger, and somehow, I must say that I overcame the situation in a good way.

Now I don't know if you get anything from reading this, but don't despair if the weather forecast speaks of darkness. That is part of life, and we all go through hardships. Of course, if you go through hardships, it is hard to imagine that other people go through the same (because they don't). It is easy to feel alone and desperate, but if no other person is capable of understanding you, God is still there and he is waiting to be there for you and carry the burden together with you.