Sunset Pizza Dreams

in #datenight5 months ago


The sun bleeds into the horizon. A slice of pizza, cheese pooling on the dashboard. Her smile is seductive and I can only see myself in her eyes when she laughs. I wonder what she sees in me when I realise that we are both drunk on the clouds that hover over the mountain. For a moment, we both transport our souls into the crashing waves, each moment bringing forth new frothy memories, only to realise that we are both locked inside of a memory we cannot forget.

The slice of pizza burns into the horizon, becoming a metaphorical moment that might symbolise something to the sober, but in this drunken state, nothing has meaning. Meaning itself becomes a strange piece of tomato on the edge of the pizza box, dried out, no one wanting to touch it.

We became one with each other, yet several feet apart. Our souls bonded in a strange ritual neither of us was aware of. Soul bonding, a slice of droopy pizza, the burning horizon, a love triangle, a strange poem.


We were on a pizza date, looking at the horizon and the setting sun. The new year is at full speed speeding away from us. So much has happened, and I thought, maybe just maybe, that this year would slow down a bit. But it seems like things are speeding up. Maybe it is merely speeding up to crash a bit before things will cool down again.



it was like the first sip of wine
or the first bite into a sweet-salty treat
your kisses flew away and rested on the horizon
only to rain down onto me
without warning


Salt and sweet contradicts. Opposite ends of a spectrum. Or two different variables. How strange is it that two people come together in much the same way? Like salted caramel, wedged between a piece of sugar and nuts. But somehow it just works.

Salted caramel. Salty kisses. Caramel touches.


They (whoever they are) say that every cloud has a silver lining. The clouds always signify rain on the other side of the mountain. Clouds carry with them hope, hope for cleansing, hope for rain which signifies growth, hope for more...

Clouds also show movement. And how do we not move in life!

Today was the first date in a while. I thought I would write a poem, but this changed as soon as I wrote the first line. The horizon melted like cheese, pizza became a signal for something else...

This was indeed one strange love letter!


I hope that your 2024 has kicked off well. For now, happy reading and keep well! May you have that slice of pizza you always dreamt of, may you sip on the wine of success, and may you look at the sunset like it was a piece of art hanging in the Louvre.

All of the writings in this post are my own, albeit inspired by my date and the wonderful sunset. The photographs were kindly taken by @urban.scout and her iPhone.


One of my favourites <3
I adore you!

The feeling is more than mutual <3

Love the poetic profession of love to your special someone. At first i thought you were describing the pizza🍕😂

Thank you so much! I really appreciate it. Haha, if I declare my love for pizza in that way, I know I lost my mind then! Thanks for the good laugh, keep well!