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RE: From the Family of Our Beloved Friend and Sister, Dreemit

in #dreemitlast year

Oh no man, this is awful news. I was friends with Linnet for a long time. She was a force to be reckoned with and had a hugely beautiful spirit. She was amazing and it was way too soon for her. I am so sorry for her family's loss and all who's lives she impacted.


Way too soon, no doubt. Thanks for your thoughtful words, and I guess we'll catch back up to her when the time is right.

Yes indeed. It is a happy thought to think our paths will cross again and I fervently hope they do. She was a proper lady and I know she would laugh saey me saying that but she was. ☹️

Yes she would get a kick out of hearing you say 'a proper lady', but she knows it's true.