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RE: The Drop In - The Mini Ramp Session

in #dtube5 years ago

That was so sick I loved it man! Also I am a fan of the vlog style intro!
When I upload video edits I always feel that it needs a personal little introduction like that!

When I used to upload to YouTube it was the opposite.. Strictly the skating!
But I think this could be the secret to why the dtube and steemit community is so different.

It’s like when I am sharing a video that is not a vlog, I still really wanna say hi and introduce the video to everyone. It feels so much more personal and I think that it’s so lovely!

Anyway, I’m rambling! 😂
Sick video, sweet miniramp jam with the crew, good times all round!

Posted using Partiko iOS


Yeah I liked that I did the intro. It does feel more personal. I hope I am able to keep uploading frequently. I am going to get my team together and help me film consistently. I am glad that you enjoyed this video man. I will have some music stuff to upload as well.