Is it moon rock ?

in #ecency21 days ago

Is it moon rock

While walking in the woods, I found a stone that looked almost like a heart again, but I didn't go with my idea 100% because it wasn't 100% the size I want to find , on the other side of that Stone, it didn't look like a heart so that Stone didn't go along my collectible stones , but right next to it, I found a stone that looked like a moon rock that was filled with holes in a weird way, like it was a small meteorite. I try soon find stone what is 100% what my collectible stones .

and the Greenhouse has quietly gone to work, my sister put the plants in it, and now in new day this morning it was surprisingly warm in the greenhouse, even if there are strong gray clouds outside and the sun does not shine.

I be back what new post soon 👌😋🦊

I was use here my Samsung phone A50


Trust me bruv, that thing is alien 😂😂😂😂😂😂

Ah :))) I hope .... I want see what other planets have :)))

😂😂😂 don't worry bruv Elon Musk and NASA are trying the best for you to one day see it... I can't wait either...

The greenhouse is lovely and the plants are really growing very well

Thank you 😋👌

The second photo looks like a heart but the first one, I can't really say what it looks like but those yellow flowers are absolutely gorgeous.

Thank you 😅👌 ... first is moon rock 😆

I typed into google "Moon Rock" and the result looks pretty similar to what you found.


Cool 👀😆👌👌... It did not come in my head fast to google it ... and yes it looks same 🤭👌👌👌👌😅 ... thanx 🍹🙏

A rich collection of your greenhouse.

And that stone is almost heart-shaped. With the onset of Summer, beautiful flowers are blooming. Keep them coming.

Have a great day.

Thank you 😅😋👌👌🧉🌺

Wao it was a wonderful collection of pictures.
The white and yellow flowers are my favourite.
The stones look very beautiful.

Greetings @foxkoit ,

Interesting query...interesting rock.

What a lovely set of flowers....very fresh and beautiful...thank you!

It does look like someone has been many seedlings...we are doing the same.

Kind Regards,


Thank you 😅👌... not seen you long time, what maid you come back ... a crypto bull market 🤭🤭🤭🍹 ?

Thank you @foxkoit for your kind query....appreciated you stopping by my post...reminding bleujay of all those years ago...^__^

It was a combination of things really that brought bleujay back...first a friend asked me to come back and then after looking around seemed most of the political turmoil had been resolved...and you are right we are in a Crypto Bull Market..hehe..why not.

However another reason...even more important than all the above is that perhaps with the state of affaires the world is in...people are looking for Truth.

Principles are truths to live by and then hopefully opportunities to give the Truth of the Gospel of Jesus out the verse from John 3.16...'For God so loved the world that he gave his uniquely born Son so that anyone who believes on him shall not perish but have eternal life.'

For it is faith alone in Christ alone for salvation...nothing added. As found in Ephesians 2.8,9 'For by grace are you saved through faith, and that not of yourselves, it is the gift of God, not of works lest anyone should boast.'

A long answer to a real query....Thank you for asking.

Kind Regards,


Happy to see you are back then, and I hope we soon see lot more your posts soon ;)
Not let pages just stop , hold it all time work ;)

Indeed...thank you for the encouragement. ^__^

It definitely could be a meteorite if it's not a moon rock. Maybe, I don't look closely but I would love to find such objects when I go for walks.

Interesting set of pictures. The garden is beautiful but what catches my attention more is the "moon rock". I haven't seen such before.

Ah :)) .... you want find it, then you must walk lot and look stones on the road you walk lot :)))

Are those flowers in your garden? There are very beautiful.

YEs .... and lot them come fast back when I cut them down also :)) so they be here all summer :)))

You know those yellow flowers are Dandelion. Although there is still time for these flowers to become dandelions I guess they are the same flowers. :) I liked that white flower the most.
Sending love and Ecency Vote!

Thank you!! ... happy to see you was like my small walk. And in your photo I can say "No" .... but I hope one day I see it ;)

No that's not a poll, that's a promotional banner. It is also written there in the hashtags that 'create engaging polls for your Post's' also the main theme is of the blog writing page.
😅😅I thought I had designed a good banner and no one would be confused

OK ..ok :)))

The rock looks different from the ones you have been collecting before now but the second one looks more like it.
The greenhouse with all those seedlings is simply amazing.

Thank you 😅

The flowers look so great! :D

Thank you 🦊👌🌺

All these things become more beautiful in summer and I myself like these small stones very much. When I go to the beach, I find special stones and bring them home.

Thank you 😋☕... I hope you have lot stones also 👌👌

I will say this will actually be the first time I will definitely be seeing these types of rocks

Quite the first time I am seeing this types of rock

The pictures are so clean and sharp. Samsung phones never disappoint

Thank you 👌☕