Homeschooling foes 101.

in #educationlast month

Continuing with the subject of my latest posts and especially in relation to what I wrote in this one particularly. I think I will also add and share this one today. In order to round out a little more and better the ideas in my apparently will, disposition and self-inflicted job of creating awareness about important things. Yeah, you know? Those old and daily little things that you should already know but apparently you don't.

So, if you are reading this post right now, chances are that you have already gone through the current educational system as to have learned to read, write, think, do math calculations and also know how to use a computer and the internet. It isn't true?

Ok, perfect, most of us did. But do you really know to what you were subjected and for what exactly you were educated, trained and formed over the years through these traditional educational institutions for this current society?

Yep, some of us now think we even have a slight idea of that. About how everything was working and how it should work forever. But in reality, it was not but until the appearance of the Internet with its online digital platforms, its BBSs, the IRC, the instant messaging apps, the online discussion forums, the World Wide Web and now the social networks, that we finally began to realize what we really were subjected to and for what exactly we were educated, trained and formed in order to earn a living.

And well, that's why now this new generation of young adults and not so adults. Today resist buying the old and already obsolete educational recipe about how to survive in this world. Fortunately, a large majority of them have realized that their world is not the same we the Boomers, Gen Xers and Millenials lived in and experienced just a few decades ago.

They seems to know better and they also seem to know what best suits them for this current world. The true real world that both they and us are living in right now. So, could you really blame them when they today tell us that they really have no interest in attending university, high school or even basic school?

Would they really be taking a risk and endangering their well-being and survival in this world or rather in that world that most of us already live in and that no longer exists? Because if you look at it twice and think about it well, that is basically the confusion and the reason for the too many discussions between generational gaps.

As I said before, this new generation of young adults are already aware of the differences between what was possible before and what is possible and feasible from now on. This is why now you will often hear most of them saying that in what they wish spend their time on and what they want to be from now on and when they grow up is to be digital nomads, online entrepreneurs, social media gurus, social media influencers, Youtubers and TikTokers. ¿Will they achieve it and be successful in it? Well, I guess only time will tell. But really who cares? ¿Were we, ourselves successful?

At the dizzying speed at which things change and have changed in just fifty years. These youngsters already sense that if what they say now that they want to be doesn't work in the short term, something else will quickly emerge that they can try to earn a living and survive decently without having to submit to anyone, enslave themselves more than necessary or having to bend before any official institution to achieve it. The Solopreneur's Manifesto. And well, again and just as I said before. All of that still remains to be seen.

Although if you ask me, in my opinion, I think they seem to be quite well on their way and their intuition seems accurate enough to me as to allow and facilitate them to try.

But hey! I suspect and I have the hunch as if I've already been extensive enough in my introduction on the subject as to now know that I should shut the hell up and go directly to the point. ¿Am I right?

Ok, ok, don't tell me twice, that I already understood the gestures and the signs perfectly well. And therefore below and from now on, you will only find pure audiovisual content to recreate and reinforce what I have already been telling you.

Don't be afraid of the videos. Which are all short enough for you as to not refuse to watch them. Each one of them has something new and different to teach you. That in my opinion you should listen to. So watch them all. Take your time. Not that you need to watch them all in one fell swoop. Since the idea is that you consume and digest them at your own pace.

There are eight videos in total. Four that are openly visible and the other four hidden behind the link in the suggestive title that I have placed for them. So you will have to «click» on the title to watch them. They are all important for the didactic purposes of this post. Those that are visible because they are the ones that I consider most relevant to introduce you to that chapter of the subject. Being the videos behind their titles, complementary to these and absolutely necessary to consume to fully understand the initial idea. Again, take your time to watch them all. There really is no rush.

¿Education or Indoctrination?

"Solopreneur's Manifesto"

"What kids today think of the current education system"

As you may have already seen. All the videos are related. And apparently. Unschooling, Homeschooling, being self-taught and The Solopreneur's Manifesto mindset seems to be imposing itself as the new educational paradigm of the 21st century. The new instructional formula that today's young adults talk about as the most effective and realistic to achieve professional success and fulfillment in today's world. However, because always there is a however. And but, because always exists a but too...

¡Also check out these latest videos!

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