In the city of Barnaul, Novoaltaysk, CPS, having applied to the court, took away two children aged 12 and 14 from their mother and father. The family was not registered in their "black list".

The children had all what they needed but for a year and a half they did not go to school - the mother demanded a special form of distance learning for teenagers.
CPS considered this a violation of the rights of the schoolchildren and removed them from the family!

This story is very special because as a rule we have parents who don't know their rights and laws well.
Here a mother is lawyer herself!!
She knows all laws and rights, and that's why she rejected from all outer help from lawyers. It was a principle position to prove her rights alone, it was her professional duty.
She was sure she would be able to do it fast and easy. were taken away!

Before the pandemic year of 2020, children went to school, studied well, and then, together with everyone else, studied remotely for almost a year and a half.
After the Covid restrictions were lifted in September 2021, the brother and sister did not show up at school and remained remote.

The mother decided that homeschooling experience worked fine for them, and they would use it further more.

The school administration called to police and CPS...

In 2022, CPS and the Novoaltaisk education committee, along with police officers and the Ministry of Emergency Situations, came to the house twice to make sure that everything was okay with the children.
The mother did not let the commission in.
The security forces broke the locks. The woman filmed everything on her phone, posted it in social webs and attached the video to complaints to the prosecutor’s office and the police.

Her deeds were right and very thoughtful. She made the case loud and proved her rights. But in that case it didn't help.

Officials explain that CPS can enter the house against the will of the owners if there is a suspicion that the life and health of minors is in danger. And, of course, there were violations.

“Both parents did not work, there was a minimum set of products in the house, there was no cooked food,” the regional Ministry of Education and Science told. The prosecutor's office is on the side of the officials.

The court concluded that the parents did not care about their children’s education, their physical, mental, spiritual and moral development, the development of communication skills, or the organization of medical care.

And since there was a threat to the physical and mental health of minors, the court’s decision was carried out immediately - the children were immediately removed from the family.

Now the children are in one of the centers for helping minors, they go to ordinary school.

now kids live here, not at home...

The mother continues her fight...



What a sad case. My heart goes out to the children who's most affected by the situation.

These criminals prey on families because children are very valuable. I hope they are quickly back home, and there are severe consequences for the court and agencies that harmed this family.


The courts are presented as a bastion of justice, but most encounters between freedom-minded people and authoritarian bureaucrats worldwide demonstrate the opposite.

Thanks for the upvote. I'm working on this un accepted child protection advocate Carl Peter Hofmann who is in prison right now 🤔

Eight years of work verifies that they are using counterfeit court orders and warrants as their key weapon.

See the comments here