Moussy Coffee & Tea - Where Flavor and Creativity Merge

in #food16 days ago

MAre you seeking a spacious café with a creative vibe tucked away amidst the bustling streets of Hanoi? At Moussy Coffee & Tea, you'll discover a world of exquisite flavors, a place imbued with a distinct personal touch in every beverage.



The specialty of the cafe, Fresh Milk Black Sugar Bubble with Grilled Coconut Cream, is not just a drink but a work of art. With a layer of rich, creamy egg topping and fragrant grilled coconut, each sip blends the sweetness of milk with the slight tartness of tapioca pearls, creating a unique and delightful experience.





But it doesn't stop there; Moussy's menu is diverse with Royal Pearl Milk Tea - a perfect combination of black tea, milk, and black pearls. The rich taste of milk mixed with the bitter taste of black tea eaten with crispy pearls creates an addictive drink.
I chose another type of milk tea with a pretty good name: "young rice milk tea" - I have never had this type of milk tea before. I have eaten young green rice cake, green rice sweet soup, young green rice candy, but have never tried green rice flavored milk tea.


Cốm ( green young rice) , a Vietnamese delicacy with a rich history dating back to the village of Vòng, Legend has it that during a severe famine in the village, when the rice crop wasn't yet ripe for harvest, desperate villagers had nothing to eat. In a stroke of ingenuity, a hungry farmer decided to roast the unripe rice grains in a clay jar as a last resort. Much like the accidental discovery of Coca-Cola in the West, this led to the creation of Cốm, a delicious dish that would become renowned throughout the region.





The process of making Cốm remains a closely guarded family secret, shrouded in tradition and meticulous attention to detail. Young glutinous rice, carefully selected at the peak of its blossom, is manually threshed, cleaned, and roasted over firewood in a stoneware pan. Each batch must not exceed 800 grams of rice to ensure optimal flavor and color preservation. The dried grains are then pounded in a mortar, meticulously removing husks through repeated stirring.As a result, we have young green rice grains that are supple and fragrant.




Cốm is traditionally enjoyed by hand, savored slowly to fully appreciate its subtle scents, flavors, and softness.

Despite its short season, Cốm serves as a versatile ingredient in many Vietnamese specialties year-round. From stir-fried green rice to puffy green rice snacks resembling rice krispies, and from green rice cakes used in engagement ceremonies to ice cream and sweetened green rice paste, Cốm inspires a wide range of culinary creations. Dishes like chicken stewed with herbs and green rice or fried shrimp coated in Cốm offer tantalizing tastes that reflect the rich culinary heritage of Vietnam.



Green rice milk tea is a breakthrough in creativity in preparation. The flavor of this tea is very fragrant and has a light green color, served with chewy and fragrant green rice pearls. Just ask the staff to reduce sugar by 50% and you will clearly feel the faint aroma of this drink.

The drink menu here includes: fruit tea (peach orange lemongrass tea, yellow lotus oolong tea, yellow orange lychee tea, yellow orange melon tea, strawberry pink guava tea), smoothies (blueberry yogurt, lemon snow, iced yogurt, avocado), juice (orange, guava, watermelon, pineapple, passion fruit, pomegranate,) machine coffee and traditional Vietnamese coffee,
In addition, they also sell cheese coin cakes (salted egg flavor, pork flavor, sausage flavor, chocolate flavor, egg flavor) - this is the type of cake that became a hot trend a few months ago, everyone hunted for it so much that every restaurant owner had to import machinery and ingredients to sell this cake. Some other snacks are pop chicken, cheese shake potatoes, fried spring rolls, dried pork, dried chicken, dried beef, etc.
Moussy's space is huge, with about 14 tables, and right in the middle is a topiary decorated with lanterns and colorful balls. If you're here to work on your laptop, they provide couches with cushions and pillows, perfect for relaxing and getting work done. But if you're just stopping in for a drink, you can choose a cozy round table with a few small chairs. And hey, if you're only interested in the Instagram life, Moussy has you covered with plenty of fun photo spots. They've detailed these settings with all sorts of color schemes, so you're sure to find your perfect angle. Trust me, it feels great here- whether you're working, relaxing, or just taking photos, Moussy has enough space for it all!

Drinks cost from $1 to $2 - a reasonable price to sit and drink tea and do something with the computer in a cool and quiet space.
This article has images and content 100% from me @a-alice!!
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