Just a thought πŸ’­πŸ“ and a helpful reminder:

in #food β€’ 4 years ago

While Uber is a rather inexpensive alternative to the taxi cab, UberEats is a very EXPENSIVE version of food delivery.

Don't be tricked.

I feel like it actually took me a couple times ordering before I realized how jacked up it is. There's a delivery fee on top of a service fee. And sometimes the restaurant ticks the prices up a little too, because Uber's share of the money cuts into their margin. And it's still expected that you'll tip on top of it.

The feature where you can track exactly where the car is and know when they'll pull up is really tantalizing! But you pay a lot for it, lol.

(I'd imagine Postmates and all the others are the same.)

Sometimes they trick you too, with a "no delivery charge", either as a promotion or the restaurant just naturally carries no delivery charge. And then you realize you're still paying the "service charge".

They probably set it up that way just to be able to offer deceptive promotions, which in general is a marketing strategy that I can't stand.

It's easy to associate Uber with being disruptive and bringing the cost down. But the innovation on food delivery is really just in terms of having access to delivery from more places. It's not a cost effective thing like Uber taxi is. It's more of a luxury thing.

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My area is just starting to get UBER, but my experience with UBER while in Chicago last August made me excited to have them come. When they come, I'll note your advice. :)

Posted using Partiko Android


Ya! It's sooo much more convenient than old school taxi, and cheaper (at least, where I live)

I feel like in the future we'll just have an open-source p2p platform that does what Uber does, and then it'll be even cheaper (all profit goes to drivers). I see it as still centralized in a sense. But a nice stepping stone. Proof of concept, hehe.

Regarding Uber taxis - they may sometimes be cheaper, but in certain countries, do not forget that they can be far more dangerous. I prefer tostick to the local taxis, een if it costs a little bit more.

Oh wow, what country do you live in? Would you feel safe if they have a bunch of history/reviews and close to 5 stars? I don't use Uber very often... I'd probably decline or at least feel like I'm crossing my fingers a little if they were new. I def wouldn't want to be their first ever ride hehe.

In my country the local taxis are fairly cheap so Uber not doing well.

My remark was made because of the number of rapes (by Uber drivers) allegedly happening in the UK and a few odd places like New York.

Something else, which I did not touch on. I am not saying (what I will speak about) is evil, but I believe we should each make our decisions based on what we want for the future...and not just by price.

I refuse to use Amazon, Uber, publishing companies who are dominating the world market, and where I can, all multinational corps. I like having smaller business around, not just these destructive dinosaurs which only strengthen those who hate us and support depopulation. I am not for depop for any race or religion or nationality - apart from the bloodlines of those promoting it.