Rice with Veggies in my style

in #foodlast month (edited)

Hi, friends today I'm going to share an amazing and simple but yet delicious recipe of rice with veggies. You can also add meat If you want. I know everyone knows how to cook rice with vegetables. But everyone's recipe taste is different. So let's see my kind of recipe of vegetable rice.

Yesterday I was confused about what to cook for dinner. Then I thought why not use broccoli with the vegetables in the rice. I'm not going to give you an exact quantity of everything because I do not remember the measurements.

Below the picture shows all the ingredients which I used. You can use any vegetables and anything in your rice if you want. It was an instant and quick recipe and I made it only the available ingredients at my home.

The vegetable which I use onion, capsicum, broccoli, peas, carrots and tomatoes. You should always try to use fresh veggies. Unfortunately, I did not have enough fresh veggies. So, I used the canned one as well. I usually stock frozen vegetables or canned veggies in my home so that I could use when I dont have the fresh ones. I also used tomatoes in it. It was peeled off skin tin tomatoes.

I also add ginger and garlic in it. Here is the spices which I used. I had chilli flakes, chilli powder, salt, corriander, cumin seed, black pepper and a little bit of tomato puree.

The sauces which are used in the recipe was chilli garlic sauce sauce and vinegar. I also add a bit of sirracha sauce in it.

I used boil rice in it.

I grind ginger and garlic in mortar and pestle. Have a look.

First of all, I add one chopped onion in a bit of oil and then fry it. Once it turned translucent I add ginger and garlic paste in it. Then saute it. After that I add broccoli in it because it was fresh and take a little bit time to tenderize. Once the broccoli become a bit softer then I add all the remaining veggies.

Then I add all the remaining spices and sauces in it. It totally depends on you how much spice and sauces you want in your recipe. So you can add according to your taste. In the below image you can see the colour difference after adding spices in it.

Once the vegetables water dried you can mix it with rice. Then cover it and steam in low flame for about ten minutes.

In the below image you can see my son's food because he don't eat spicy food. So I just add a little bit of things and take out the mixture in the separate pan for him. And then follow the same procedure.

Here is the final look of my rice. I hope you like it.

It's all about today's post. See you soon insha Allah. Have nice friday.


it looks so tasty! I'll try to make this recipe!

I will try 😃
Looking delicious 🤤

The rices are longer than the type we have you.
Looks good tho, this recipe

Yummy!!!! It's like a culinary adventure. And aww, so sweet of you to make a separate non-spicy version for your son.

I will like making it one of this days for my sick mom but might want to go for a different ingredients.

Your meal looks delicious.
Yeah, I love using fresh veggies like tomatoes, red pepper and much onions in preparing mine. I hardly use canned veggies.

Thank you for sharing your process with us.