What they don't tell you when you're buying a RAINSHOWER HEAD

in #funny7 years ago (edited)

You know you want one.

Everybody wants the RAIN SHOWER head.


Especially the combo package. You know, 2 shower heads... normal one in front of you and the RAIN one above you.

To bathe in pure luxury, stylish watery comfort. Your city water sprinkled on your head as though you were bathing buck naked in some far off secluded rainforest with an audience of toucans.

You know exactly what I'm talking about. You're all guilty of wanting that rain shower head.

Thanks HGTV. Appreciate you. You turned these things into some esoteric luxury item, a status symbol that wives and children and some strange men want.

It's not even WANT, its MUST HAVE.


I used to want one. Not any more.

If you're single, buy all the RAIN SHOWER HEADS you're heart desires. Seriously, stick like 20 up there, get 'em all plumbed in nice and clean, and have yourself a rain party.

Oh, what's that you say? You're married? Getting married? Living with someone?

Tear it out now. Better yet, don't even acknowledge they exist.

Duct tape the thing shut. Go now. I'll wait.

Why? You ask.

Because your significant other will always forget to turn it off when they get out of their magical rainforest party. That's why.

So what?

Here, let me show you.

Step into the shower. Make sure you're not in the way of the shower head in front of you. You know, the water is COLD at first.

Now you're ready. Turn the knob.

STOP. You didn't check it did you? DID YOU? You forgot again to check if the RAIN SHOWER HEAD was turned off.


Thanks. Spouse.


Look everyone, if we're not talking Bitcoin, or showing off photos, or introducing ourselves, we really need to be talking about RAIN SHOWER HEADS. This is a very real problem that affects very few people.

I am getting ready to remodel my bathroom, and that is definitely a heated topic on the design.

Don't do it. Spend your money on a years supply of toilet paper. It's astounding how fast my wife goes through a roll.