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RE: Drunk post

in #funny6 years ago

I have a cosmic microwave from the 60's that looks like it came from a space ship. But they don't cook as well as the new ones. (I have no available photo, sorry).
I will now get out my manly(tool)fixitbox...I would recommend the Panasonic NN-SN651W, cooks like a mojo, and not that expensive. Then again, maybe you can't get them. If not, a rattle can of silver, or better yet, make a silver space-box to go AROUND the microwave, like a SteamPunk display. Use lots of wires and gizmo's and copper and brass and glass and found objects and such.. It's jolly fun:

EW1_0530 159kb.jpg

I hope you find/make your inter-stellar cookbox soon. Then you have the best of all worlds, a well-heated kabob after a too-long night, and a cosmic look while doing it that says: "I live in a vacuum of dark and no oxygen and space debris and such, but can cook chilled leftover's like there is no tomorrow". OK, the toolbox is now closed.
If I meet any single folk at the store or elsewhere, I will pass your Steemstats along to them. I think you would be more than fun to hang with on a regular basis.