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RE: Saying Goodbye to Hive 👋🏽🥹

in #goodbyehive3 months ago

Hey @crosheille, This is like dropping a bombshell! You're certainly going to be missed by many!
However, you must follow your heart, and do what you are passionate about.
Wishing you well with your new journey xxx


Lizelle!! It’s so good to see you. Thank you so much for coming to wish me well. I am so glad to have met you back then. You are such a sweet and talented woman that I’ve always admired ☺️.

I know. It was a total bombshell as I didn’t really give any hints to what was coming. It feels good to know I will be missed by so many lovely people. My heart is so full right now.

Thank you for your support and understanding. Take good care ~ ❤️