The Fever Falls Again


It shouldn't be much of a surprise to you that the headlines make things out to be a lot more sensational than they really are. I logged into my computer this morning and one of the first news stories I saw said that "Clark returns from injury scare"

Of course we are talking about Caitlin Clark, I mean who else would we be talking about? She's about the only Clark that we find ourselves talking about these days. The Indianapolis Fever had their second game last night and apparently Clark had to go to the locker room.

Despite the crowds that she continues to draw, Clark is no longer the darling of the college sports world. She isn't going to get the calls that she used to get in the NCAA. The fact is, they actually play defense in the WNBA and they play it hard unlike the NBA. Despite the size advantage, I think some of these women could run circles around the guys.

It's been quite evident from the start. Clark gets zero space to launch her ridiculous three point shots like she did in college. I was watching the game last week and they were all over her. There wasn't a single inch between her and the defender. That's a big deal.

It's something that Clark is going to have to adjust to if she wants to improve her game. I heard an interview with her where she said something like she just needs to make sure she is having fun still. That's great if you want to continue to be an average player at what should be the elite level. If you want to be an elite player though, you need to toughen up.

She needs to gain some strength so she can stand toe to toe with these ladies.

She did score 17 points last night which is a definite improvement over her previous outing. She also had about half as many turnovers as she did in the last game.

I think another thing people need to remember is there is a reason that Clark is in Indiana. I've said it before, they weren't a great team, that's why they got the #1 draft pick. To expect that they are suddenly going to start winning games simply because they have Clark on their team is a stretch.

It's going to take time, hard work, growth, and commitment to turn things around in Indy. Hopefully the fans stick around for it.

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