The Peace of Mind rock has got two siblings

in Kindness Rocks2 months ago (edited)


Who remembers the Peace of Mind rock made for one of my students last Friday?

... {silence}

No worries, here is the reminder about that one.

So, the news is that it has got two siblings, Serenity and Music is Fun. Both were born this morning to join the older sister, Peace of Mind, and search for new owners this afternoon. I helped them in that searching part, of course. The classmates of S****. (the girl I mentioned in that post from the other day) will also get a rock. Luckily, I don't teach in big classes; it is just a group of three students so that is why just two additional rocks got a new, more colourful life.


The rock which had been painted in white with acrylic paint about two weeks ago has got a few hearts, with little dots. It is the rock that I**** will get. (I am not sharing the real names of my students, I hope you understand it 😉). Her name has a nice meaning, serenity - that is why the rock carries that message. And name too. Serenity.

Music is Fun is a smiling, one-eyed little monster rock. His life started with fun and a smile on my desk destined for these rocks, but he will grow up in the home of S*****.

He is a quiet, shy boy so I hope this little message can make him smile and see music as fun. The idea for drawing one eye came as the crack on the rock seemed perfect to be the line for one side of the eye. The curved line - lips that show us positive vibes through a smile.

{tiny secret: I made another similar one-eyed smiling monster rock for someone who can't know it at the moment or see it, so please this info has to stay between us}


The siblings were ready to be packed in wrapping paper. I will give them wrapped to my students, very soon. It depends on how quickly the video will be uploaded and published on 3speak, maybe I will be already in the classroom explaining to them why they got these little gifts.


Ready, steady, we are going to work and have fun with music! 🎶

I will add a little update to this post after I see the reactions of S****, I**** and S*****.

Not sure if they imagine how their piano teacher is - silly enough to doodle and write messages on rocks! 😬


▶️ Watch on 3Speak

P.S. The background "music" in this video is the bird concert, from the same place where the Forest Fairy lives. I made more videos and audio recordings that day that I haven't published... so I like these sounds to accompany my super fast (sped up) drawing activities lol.


Update after the new rock owners received their gifts:

I met S**** already before the lesson started and through a little chitchat, she told me that she has a lot of exams and they are difficult. She was still in that stressed phase as last week, but then I told her about this little idea and gave her the package. She thanked me a lot and when I**** arrived I repeated the story in a shortened version. They both opened the gifts at the same time. S**** almost cried, this time from emotions and I**** said it was lovely, cute, sweet. I saw her picking her rock later in the lesson a few times. 😍 S***** arrived late, so his package was just waiting for him on the piano keys. With surprise, he asked what it was and after our encouragement, he opened it. He smiled and looked toward S**** and thanked her. We all laughed as he didn't know actually it was a detail from me. 😁


▶️ 3Speak


If I ever paint stones like this, I definitely opt for a guerilla version. So mine would say “war of mind”, “anxiety”, “music is a gun”. And there will be a series of “stone the sinner, I’m all in” ones. I guess I’ll drop those in Vatican.

That is actually an excellent idea! You write "anxiety" and throw it into a deep lake, river or sea, and anxiety never ever appears again in the world. That would be good! 😃

Well, once I wrote "migraine" on a rock, last year and threw it into a lake as I wanted to be migraine-free. It worked for some time, but later the migraine episodes came back. Maybe a turtle or a fish saw that rock and threw it back to the shore so I have them again.

“music is a gun”

Hahahaha. It is indeed quite a powerful "weapon" 😉


Is the lake now known as the Migraine Lake, where fish suffer by terrible headaches?

No, not at all, they don't suffer from it. That is just a type of migraine only humans, especially Hivers can feel. 😁


¿Te parece que estoy de coña? ¡Lo digo en serio tronca!

😂... {más carcajadas}

¿te da cosquillas? Pues, soy un poco madrileño de verdad :P

Voy a tomar café y a ponerme en marcha. 🤫 Dormí hasta ahora mismo. 😅

Dormí hasta ahora mismo

Dormir en la clase? 🤔

Ay, ay, ay, qué es esto? Como una clase donde los alumnos se han puesto un poquito loquitos? 👩‍🏫 🤣


El gatito está dibujando un hive? 😂😂😂

LOL @ stone the sinner 🤣

Who is else would you stone? A saint? Are you a Roman or what??

I would stone anyone that scared me if I had a rock in my hand ! LOL... Not waiting to ask questions first.

Sounds like back to the very basics to me. Eventually, you may reach the stage to use stone this way:

You’ll get more than a single hit ;)

Wow!!! Cada día esto se pone mejor!!! Qué belleza esas rocas!! Y la envoltura para regalo...todo un detalle.

This weekend we are on a trip and I hope to find some rocks, they are river rocks, but I hope they work.

Lindo finde para ustedes!

River rocks are also great, maybe even better than those from the sea. ;)
Thank you and a great weekend to you too 🤗

The more siblings, the better ! (as long as they are rocks !)

That is so "kind" of you to do for your students. It is things like this from our childhood that we sometimes remember as long as we live, that one extra bit of fun attention.

I like your cyclops rock ! He is too fun.

I also adore the little envelopes you have made for them. You DID figure out how to use fun paper with the rocks.

Hahaha, yes, as long as they are rocks lol

I do hope some memories from these lessons and little details will remain in my students. Well, I do know that they don't forget me, even those I used to teach many years ago.

You DID figure out how to use fun paper with the rocks.

Oh, true. 😍 Actually, I was not aware of that but now as you say - I did it!! Paper bits were introduced to my rocks :D

I'm sure your students will love your gift 😍

They did! 😍

One girl was really touched by this detail. The other found it cute and checked on her Serenity rock several times during the lesson, and the boy thought (hoped) it was a gift from that girl who got the Peace of Mind rock 😁

Now they will be beautiful gifts, I love the messages, that even if they are drawings they carry the message in their colours and shapes... the smile, and the serenity! Beautiful!❤️

The smile - the one with one eye? That is my favourite haha. I realized the fewer details the better - then I don't have a lot of chances to mess up completely the rock 😂

No, that's not why. It's because simplicity is the greatest beauty!😍

Sometimes it is indeed 😇

I am absolutely in love with this rock painting activity - how wonderful! I think I should start painting stones too and even involve the children in my neighbourhood.

And how wonderful it would be if you got to paint rocks and involve the children from the neighbourhood... 😎 I think they can be decorated even with lápices, o lápices de colores de madera. Depende de la roca que se elige :)

Well, I have to figure out how to do it. I'm sure they're going to have a lot of fun. 👌

So, have you figured out how to do this painting on the rocks activity with the children from the neighbourhood?

I have a plan, yes. The first step is to bring the rocks. On Friday there will be a collection activity on the beach.


Dame Baileys. ¿Tienes ahora? 😄

sí, creo que quedan algunas gotitas de Baileys en la botella. Pero tengo zanahorias - para el batido extraño 🥂

Oh, have fun then for the rock collections activity on Friday. I bring home every day a few rocks 😂

I like "Music is Fun", not necessarily as a text, but more for the drawing that reminds me of Miro.

You have a great power to attract followers. I found the colors and brushes I've been keeping for almost ten years and have a few stones too. In less than a month I will get to the sea and make a large stock of stones. I see @nanixxx is also tempted, so you have at least two virtual apprentices. Thanks!

I'm going to the sea soon and I'll bring some back.
I love Miro! One day I even thought of getting a tattoo of one of his paintings or at least a detail.

I think you can find many tattoo designs in Miro's paintings. and a detail can be even better.
I hope if you get the tattoo you'll show it to us.

I hope if you get the tattoo you'll show it to us.

Now we are also looking forward to seeing that tattoo of miss nanixxx. I will rename the community into "The waiting corner for painted rock and tattoo collections 😆

😁 a ver...

This tattoo idea is something I have not yet brought to life. Perhaps I will in the future, but it must be a significant moment, truly special.

Haha... good name! Good, that's only for tattooed ladies... I missed this tattoo trend... not that I'm a lady, but I'm afraid of needles and germs.

Hey, I don't have any tattoos either. But we never know haha.

I have a recent scar from last year that I don't like a lot, so I even thought about getting a tattoo over it (it can be done, but it is more difficult to cover it)

You're right, you never know...
I'm getting old now and they say old people get children's minds. Maybe I go through the minds of teenagers and get tattooed. I think I'd know what to choose and how discreet to be... like that, like a painting on a rock!
I've heard that some scars can be covered with tattoos. I think it needs careful consideration so as not to do more harm than good. Surely you know better.

I'm going to the sea soon and I'll bring some

Music for the rock searching activity on the beach :)

Thank you.

And... are you going to pick up that thing about Ideas and sharp pencil tips again?

Could be. There is another one that I got the scores the other day, another number, but I think it is somehow too easy 😅 so, I have to sharpen better those pencils and fingers to practice some more serious pieces, when the rocks let me time 😂

Vale. Jajaja... apoyo la moción.

Tenor GIF.gif

By the way, you have given me an idea for my rocks!

I'm glad. I'm afraid you'll have to point to the source, haha...
I look forward to seeing the painting.


Always! You know that good Hivians do it!

I don't know, but I hope to find out!

so you have at least two virtual apprentices.

Music for my ears!!!!

How cool you found your colours and brushes! I am looking forward to seeing your creations!

Soon, this little Kindness Rocks community will be filled with pained rocks from all over the world, well, at least we can cover a few countries if not the whole world hahahaa 😁

@mdrguez already painted a few rocks and even did some rock placing activities on a beach and some public spaces. :)) The other day I left one rock on the windowsill of the beach library, and it seems that someone adopted it 😃

That's it! We will see many beautiful and creative kindness rocks around here!

...poco a poco... :D

This is how a new global movement can start, painting on a potential weapon, right? Stone can be a weapon in some places.
It's a contagious activity, and I'm glad you're getting such feedback. I hope to be able to make my small contribution as soon as possible.

Contagious - it is. As I said some weeks ago it is kind of an addiction already 😜

I can see that it is addictive and I can also see that you quickly become proficient in this kind of painting.
It certainly helps that you make art, that you have an artist's sensibility.

I love your rocks! My favourite one is the recomposed heart. ❤️

I explained to her that it was the broken heart I felt she had, but then I put the pieces together and in colours 😉

These are beautiful designs on very beautiful rocks. I loved 'serenity' so much.

I am glad you liked them 😇

I really like what you do with these stones, especially because you put them up for adoption, it's good that this afternoon they will have new homes
Your video is beautiful, I appreciate watching you work, the sound of birds is relaxing and beautiful @mipiano

The rocks will already sleep tonight in their new homes. The new owners loved them 😇

creative indeed!

thanks 😋

Preciosas tus rocas, cada una de ellas lleva un lindo mensaje y no hay dudas de que fueron bien recibidas por tus alumnos. Eres genial. Que caritas pondrían al recibir tan original regalo? Gracias amiga por compartirnos tus experiencias con tus alumnos.
Mis saludos.🥰❤️❤️❤️❤️

Caritas de sorpresa y felicidad, eso tenian al recibirlas 😉
Gracias @mamani, feliz fin de semana ✨


😍😍😍 Que bonito

Gracias 😇