When the impossible becomes possible πŸ„

in Kindness Rocks β€’ 2 months ago


This was an impossible mission that at one point became... possible. I could not believe my eyes, but here I see the pictures in this draft and everything is there. Well, almost everything is there because the final scene could have been accompanied by more details, but I am very happy with this result anyway.

Happy - I am even more so during the process, not just because of the result. Because let's be honest, I'm no artist, and there are a lot of things to improve. What makes me happy is when I sit down with my stones I immerse myself in this world and everything around me disappears.


My husband even asked me if I was stoned. πŸ™„


My dears, what am I talking about...? You will soon think that things are not clean here and that my husband's words are more than just a joke. But be patient, now I'm going to explain everything in more details. What indeed didn't stay clean were my fingers while I coloured these stones. You could already see it in the first photo.

With the other ones I also got artistic fingers however I washed my hands before I continued with the photo sessions of these little painted kindness rocks.


Just rocks?

Don't believe me!! They are NOT just rocks. They do represent a different thing.

These painted little creatures are organized by patterns and colours. Some of them received white and yellow dots, gathered in little circles on the painted background...


...and the next set of them received purple, yellow, white and blue spirals.


I insist - they are not just rocks although they look like.

The next section of images will help discover the big truth about what they are!



They are tiny colourful stone mushrooms, or better say mushroom caps, born these days to celebrate Fungi Friday!! The first one was made last Sunday, it kinda can be seen in this post, and the rest were born yesterday. I spend my morning with them, I even forgot to cook lunch because of these fungi caps. (luckily, I didn't eat these mushrooms later 😁)


There was one issue with setting up the Fungi Friday scene with these models.... I was not sure how to attach the mushroom caps to the stems, which were rocks too. Also, I didn't have enough of these thin pebbles that could serve for each one as a stem so in the photos where they are in my hands some mushroom caps share the same stems.

Glue could be an option. Super glue - I don't like it as I always glue myself with it and my fingers so I would skip it. Hot glue - I don't have that tool, the hot glue gun so not an option either. I though about making the stems of plasticine but then it is not an authentic rock mushroom.

They had to balance on each other.

It was almost a mission impossible. I could spend months trying to find a perfect match to the painted mushroom caps to balance on other pebbles - stems. I was already discouraged and almost ditched the whole idea when I tried with the black one on the desk.


It gave me hopes that I should try with the others too.

Here, I used other pebbles to help the cap not to fall and to make the stem stand upright.


One by one, every cap got its stem.


Until the impossible mission of making these rock mushrooms stand by themselves, without glue or other material became a possible mission. The stems are maybe not fit and thin, but it's a small detail. 😁

Mission completed - #FungiFriday can be celebrated with these crazy, colourful guys! :))




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Have you tried Milliput to make the caps stay on ?

It's a two-part epoxy putty, very sticky when freshly mixed (use water on your fingers and tools to stop it sticking more to them than the mushrooms....). You could make a ball or disk of it, push the two bits of shroom together, then use the wetted back end of a paint brush to shape it more if you need to.

That is a good idea, thank you. Now I watched some videos too with tips on how to use Milliput.

At the moment these mushroom caps just found the balance and with the temporary stems. Once again, thank you for the suggestion, I am sure it will come in handy for some next mini project ;)

You combined rocks and turned them into mushrooms and permanent mushrooms! Red is my favourite .... stoned? Why? You're an artist and that's what happens when you're an artist hahahaha😍

Hahaha, because we like to joke and I was with the stones - so that's why πŸ˜†

I am glad you found a favourite among these little mushroom caps 😍 Thank you πŸ˜‡

You have a lot of imagination and that's great! Beware of eating mushrooms!🀣

that is creativity on top of creativity! 😱 I didn't realise you needed the solution for the stems so quickly. You've outsmarted the entire planet. Well, if not that, at least the mushroom universe πŸ₯³

We need to stay inspired, Miss Creativity knows that. So she has used its powers and helped me out πŸ’›

Hahaha, I think only the mushroom universe was a bit remodelled πŸ˜‰πŸ„

But what am I looking at!!! 😱 What beautiful mushrooms! They are perfect!!πŸ₯°

I imagine you trying to balance those rocks without using glue and I understand that you almost gave up πŸ₯΄πŸ€£.

El que persevera triunfa...bien hecho Mipiano!! Feliz finde.

Thank you so much, @mdrguez. You are the pro in this, so if you say 😍

The thin, tall rocks were impossible to balance, well, with the help of other rocks, it was achieved ;D and the other little stones were easier to work with.

Gracias, feliz finde igualmente πŸ€—

Quedaron chulΓ­simos esos hongos!! Me parece que en esto de decorar rocas ya eres toda una experta XD.

Entonces llegΓ³ la hora de venir a EspaΓ±a? It was the deal, right? πŸ˜‰

OjalÑ fuera fÑcil!! 🀩🀣

OjalΓ‘ πŸ˜‡

Pintar en piedras tampoco es fΓ‘cil jajajaja πŸ˜‚

... and the addiction deepens !


"What makes me happy is when I sit down with my stones I immerse myself in this world and everything around me disappears."

It's all about the happy !...

I love your little mushrooms and the effort you put into your Fungi Friday post.

Hahaha, the addiction deepens lol

I didn't know these little things and the efforts would make this happy in such a way 😍

Thank you @jacey.boldart πŸ˜‡

Β 2 months agoΒ (edited)Β 

Awwww now they need a tiny little garden with tiny little plants :D
So cute!

They need a garden, that's true, and they will have it πŸ˜‰



"To be a rock, and not to roll"

Β 2 months agoΒ (edited)Β 


Have fun tomorrow in The Kingdom if you go πŸ˜‡ 🎢

I imagine the little blue Smurfs running between the mushrooms (which are the houses they live in in that favorite cartoon).

Yes, yes, yes, that is also what I saw, the mushroom houses of little Smurfs πŸ˜ƒ


And where is Smurfette?πŸ˜€



Seems she is picking flowers hahaha, not running form Gargamel πŸ˜‚

Do the colors you draw with come off your fingers easily?
Next week, before Orthodox Easter, for Good Friday, I will be painting eggs, when my hands will be colorful, maybe even more than the eggs I paint 🀣

Yes, I washed the paint from the hands easily. But the Easter eggs paint can be more challenging to remove 😁

πŸ˜ŠπŸ˜… jajaja... Dios mΓ­o, me dejas sin palabras.


Son las pierdas que se han convertido a setas πŸ˜‹

Gosh, you really did it. They are all cute and colorful. And the only consequences you have to face on making all these was a hand full of those colorful paint you use, haha. But even that is cute too haha. The hard part is cleaning them, for sure. Anyhow, is this an officially added habit of yours (≧▽≦)? It looks really fun (βœ―α΄—βœ―)

This IS an official habit now, yes haha. Well, I already mentioned it as an addiction πŸ˜‚

Hello friend, what you show is undoubtedly beautiful, I really liked the colors you used, especially the mushrooms with white and yellow dots. With everything you showed you can create a beautiful rock mushroom garden. Perhaps with a small piece of double-sided adhesive tape you can provide a better union of the pieces. They all turned out beautiful, greetings.

Thank you @darknapol, I also love those red ones, but as they are like my children hahah, I love them all, with all their flaws and imperfections :D

Thank you for the suggestion πŸ˜‡

These are definitely not just stones but I agree with PH. I think you're stoned XD I love that pun haha.

Hahaha, the pun is funny πŸ˜‚ but I just have fun with these rocks, I mean mushrooms 😁

I love your super-cute mushies!

My go-to adhesive when I want to stick anything to anything is E6000 glue. The other resource I know of for sticking things together is https://www.thistothat.com/. While it wouldn't have had a quick answer for sticking stones to other stones, if you ever have other projects that you need help deciding what adhesive to use, it might be handy!


You must be killin' it out here!
@willendorfia just slapped you with 5.000 PIMP, @mipiano.
You earned 5.000 PIMP for the strong hand.
They're getting a workout and slapped 2/2 possible people today.


Read about some PIMP Shit or Look for the PIMP District

Thank you, and also thank you a lot for the suggestion πŸ˜‡

These mushrooms found their way this time in balance but for sure, for some next idea if I will need to stick rocks together I will try to get the suggested glue or a similar one I can find here.

I think the same as Mr. PH, maybe it's the drugs 🀣 but then I remember your enormous talent on the piano, and evidently your hands and your creativity still have a lot to explore, and here we see a great example of it 😍 in fact you have achieved a lot in a short time and that speaks well of you. How beautiful what you have shared with us today and how wonderful to know that a part of that creation is now here with me and that we share that in common. I love you very much friend ❀️ I'm glad to be able to visit you at last, it was a complicated week without computer, but I'm back 😘

Haha, no, no drugs hahaha, it was just a joke. You know, I really enjoy a lot this new way of creating something out of simple rocks. I know it can look like a childish thing but who cares haha, I am happy with this πŸ˜‡

Glad your computer is fixed 😎

It seems to me that you are evolving as an artist, discovering new passions, that's beautiful friend. I also have many hidden talents for Hive at the moment hahaha, but it's our nature, we are artistic people and it only takes a spark of motivation to do wonders. I send you a big hug @mipiano ❀️


Β last monthΒ (edited)Β 

Beautiful stoned mushrooms @mipiano, that very delicate paintwork requires a steady non-stoned hand!
That superglue can be very treacherous, I'm sure you'll find a solution.

Thank you, dear @lizelle, these definitely needed some steady hand as they are quite small rocks ;) But I also need improvement, which is coming just through practising πŸ˜‡


Honestly, I’d also love to learn how to make design on rocks just like you.
It can actually help me to ease boredom. Your rocks look really nice

It is true that hard work is the only thing that can make the impossible happen.


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$PIZZA slices delivered:
@willendorfia(2/15) tipped @mipiano

You got a solution...De eso se trata todo...ir probando y encontrando soluciones prΓ‘cticas para cada idea que nos inspira .. felicidades!

AsΓ­ es. Me imagino que cada uno crea su camino gracias a los intentos, algunos fracasos y tambiΓ©n encontrando soluciones ✨ gracias pinero πŸ•ŠοΈ

The mushroom street was his inspiration for these miniatures. They are beautiful. I see that when you are creating you forget to cook. And me @mipiano when I write I burn my fries in the pan. We forget everything and enjoy what we do. Artist 🎨 yes you are and I congratulate you. In every stone a message that is valuable. Nice Sunday to you. ❀️πŸ₯°

The mushroom street was a giant version of mushrooms, and these are tiny little ones. Oh, I hope that your lunch was saved and not burnt πŸ˜…
Thank you and also happy Sunday to you too! 🌼