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RE: Tales of the Urban Explorer: The Retro-Games House

in Urban Explorationlast month

Wow, this one was a real find! You folks seem to have a good deal of hoarders over there though. Maybe that's the reason you have so many arsonists too. They collect all the stuff then they burn it! It's a good thing I don't do these things. That record collection would have had me tempted!


They collect all the stuff then they burn it!

LOL, too much stuff, it needs to burn!

That record collection would have had me tempted!

There was more than one collection, I only snapped one close up but vinyl doesn't float my boat these days. That Pilot Wings holds some significance in my life, I'm surprised it was priced at only £10.

Now it would be a more than that, it's 30 years old.

That is cool. I am sure someone will pillage it in due time!

It will be long gone by now, and I suspect the house is now sealed up/sold/re-occupied. This visit was a year ago and a lot changes in a year. I haven't seen it doing the rounds recently.

Oh wow, okay. You must have been going balls to the wall for a while there!