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RE: Introducing : '' - a HIVE Front-End.

Fuck sake ya needy bastard, I am trying to work... ;O)

It does, it works a treat. Hot damn, that is a lovely looking site. Absolutely lovely. This is the way forward for Hive surely? I have never seen it used like this. Seriously I am impressed. All that is directed at dizzydiscovery of course!

I jest, I am feeling quite flippant. Its really good. I can imagine it bringing a lot of eyes in.


@dizzydiscovery put together the shell, and I added all the content with some changes. I'm shit at design so yeah.., he's the credit behind that aspect.


The Elementor add-on allows me to customize the look and feel. I'm still getting to grips with it all.

Thanks for being my free beta tester heh...

Oh noes, I have been duped!!

It is good though, a template for people going forward perhaps. It is certainly the first i have seen like this linking back which I like very much. All your traffics will be ours!

Ah.. thank ye so much! The traffic is next, google analytics.. he's added it but I can't see the stats yet. We tecchies like our stats!

I do like a bit of Google Analystics action, mostly for the volumes of devices and browsers but the rest of it is good too! Stats rawk!