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RE: Tales of the Urban Explorer: Stanley Tools

in Urban Exploration2 months ago

Whenever I see these explorations, the truth is that there is something that doesn't fit in my head... now they also left the cars abandoned there. For years, because that level of deterioration does not last weeks or months.
I feel like there's something really wrong with those things. It's as if they had been abducted or as if zombie attacks really existed.
The paintings you found on the walls are very good. Although this one about the hybrid creature is very abstract... it's just something we don't know, hahaha...
More than 400 urbex (Congrats) and under risk of infection... that sign there also gives you chills.


The cars..., I would have thought more of them would be smashed, but it's just the one at the front. If they have been left for over a decade then the Corsa at the back should look in a lot worse condition that it appears.

No, that one obviously belongs to a zombie that was nearby. When you return, take a katana!