D.Buzz: The Evolution from Short-Form to Long-Form Content

in HiveFestlast month

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Short Video Clip from @HiveFest Web3 Event with @chrisrice and @crimsonclad
Transcript: So for people who might be just be catching the live stream now why don't you tell them a little bit about sort of D.Buzz is so much more than it started out Before it was just short form content and now you've got big plans So maybe kind of tell people about what you're building Well what we're going to do we now have pretty much our original vision of a very intuitive minimalistic and user-friendly interface both for mobile and for desktop The next phase or one of the next phases we have a lot of phases in different directions that we're doing it's weird because we can't hear ourselves on these microphones but they can hear us I was doing this earlier but we're also we're right off the side of the stage so if we look a little weird it's because we're here but everybody's over there so I try to explain to them because they only see a little piece of what's happening from the presentation but yes sorry I didn't mean to interrupt you Yeah so the next thing we're going to be finishing our long-form content platform and in the same way that D.Buzz the typical DBuzz that you know the short-form platform in the same way that it was modeled after Twitter (X) basically not in terms of their product but in terms of the layout we're going to be modeling our long-form platform in terms of layout after Medium There's going to be some key differences but one of the things about our team is we're very interested open and willing to hear constructive criticism.

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