
in Silver Bloggers25 days ago (edited)

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Summer is arriving in our area. Flowers are blooming, trees are leafing up, and the days are getting warmer and longer.

But with the arrival of summer, we also see the return of sunburns.

Sun Exposure

Everyone loves having fun in the sun, whether at the pool, the beach, a picnic, a day at the park, or several other outdoor activities.

And for good reason. Being outdoors is healthy, and the sun helps our mood and helps our bodies make vitamin D, an essential vitamin.

Generally speaking, when we are outdoors, we are more active than when indoors.

Sunlight will generally lift your mood and help regulate your Circadian Rhythm. This is your body's internal clock that helps regulate daily activity.

The downside to being outside is sunburn. They are uncomfortable and can be dangerous if severe enough.


Everyone knows sunscreen is the best way to protect against sunburn. But if it is used incorrectly, it can be worthless.

Keeping your skin covered is another safe option to prevent burning.

First off, you need to understand what the SPF means.

SPF stands for Sun Protection Factor, which means that if you use an SPF 15 sunscreen, it will protect you 15 times better than not using sunscreen.

Proper sunscreen use includes liberal coverage and applying it 20 minutes before sun exposure. This allows enough time for the skin to absorb the sunscreen.

In addition, it needs to be reapplied every 2 hours or after coming out of the water.

I know that seems like a lot of work, but it is worth it for the protection from the sun's harmful rays.

Read the instructions on the sunscreen carefully before you buy it.

Also, check the ingredients and ensure no benzene products are in the sunscreen. Discard any sunscreen products older than 24 months.


So, you went and did it, didn’t you? You were out in the sun for an extended period, and now have a burn.

Sunburns are unique because they may not start burning for a couple of hours after sun exposure. This is why you do not realize that you are burning while in the sun.

There are several home treatments for sunburn and a number of commercial products available. Most commercial products contain aloe vera which is a good natural burn treatment.

Other products include cold creams like Noxzema, which help to keep the burned skin moisturized.

For severe burns, you can apply 1% hydrocortisone cream to the area. The downside to the hydrocortisone is that if you have exposed skin that you use it on, then re-exposure to the sun can cause a blanching or whitening to the skin which may not go away.

Sunburns can be severe enough to need medical attention as they can cause dehydration, fever, or severe chills. These are signs of sunstroke and require medical attention.

If you are outside working and you stop sweating, this is a warning sign of dehydration and sunstroke.

SUNSTROKE is VERY serious, and if not treated promptly, it can make you very ill and can be life-threatening.

Okay, so let’s enjoy the beautiful summer weather and our summer vacations and try to avoid the fun-killing sunburn.

Until next time,

John Novak PA-C

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Now summer is really hot, not same like before. Thank you for sharing.

My pleasure, @asiaymalay

I hope you found it helpful.


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Does sunscreen only prevent you from having sunburn or it helps cure sunburn too?

It will only help to prevent it. It will not cure it, but if you are already burned, using it will help keep it from worsening.

Thanks for the question, @rafzat


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