Towards Wellness: Treatment vs. Healing

in Silver Bloggerslast month

These days — with "Covid still hanging in the air" — it seems like we talk a lot more about health and wellness than we did, just five years ago.


But are we really talking about health? Or are we just bogging down in a mire of fear over what some virus or illness might do to our world... and our families? Or what evils governments and pharmaceutical companies might visit upon us?

I'm not sure when it happened, but "going to see my doctor" is no longer a simple process, and it feels increasingly like a bureaucracy rather than about my well being.

What I mean is, if I am in her office for a medication review, she can't spend significant time talking about an actual health issue, because "it has to be written up differently."

And, in fact, I would need a new appointment for that purpose. Which is not available for another six to eight weeks!


I should add here that this is my experience here in the US of A where we like to demean and ridicule socialized medicine in Canada and Europe because things "take forever."

The "medication review" appointment I recently went to was actually made back in January... about three months previously.

I'm told that the whole circus is mostly the fault of insurance companies, who have very specific rules for everything, and can definitely be blamed for the fact that something simple that should cost $100 is instead billed at $500.

Regardless, there is little incentive for healing under the current system, where everyone is basically a "profit center" rather than a patient. Accordingly, doctors treat rather than heal their patients.


Of course, it's a double-edged sword... it's not just doctors, but also the patients.

Back when I lived in Texas, my friend Lorraine was a doctor with a family practice and she admitted that while she did want to heal her patients, they often wanted instant "magic pill" solutions, not to modify their behavior to get naturally healthier over a period of months.

And so, she ended up following "the prescribed path" of treating patients with whatever could make them feel better in the moment, while not necessarily offering a path to healing.

Perhaps the problem has more to do with society than with the field of Healthcare... because so much is oriented towards immediacy.


Still, if I were going to the doctor because of headaches, I would want more than just getting prescribed pain medication every visit... I'd want the doctor to dig into why I keep getting those headaches, so we could take steps to change the underlying cause.

Good luck with that! There might be an appointment available early next year... but be aware that your insurance might not cover if the outcome is that you stop needing medication...

Thanks for stopping by and have a great Friday!

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Created at 2024-05-02 22:45 PDT



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Greetings from Venezuela, health and well-being has been disproportionately commercialized, the situation in my country has led us to experiment with alternative medicine, the use of herbs has become a palliative for our healing, medicine such as Chinese and Hindu that are ancient have become our best alloys for our ills. A hug

I had not seen it from this perspective, but now that I read you, yes, I find it makes more sense. And you are absolutely right, at least me, since the pandemic entered our lives, I was attacked by a very big panic, and many times the most similar symptom I just wanted to be relieved without checking thoroughly what it was, to eradicate it, and so it has been happening to me with many other things, especially with dental problems, and half solving the problem and soothing the pain, I do not get to the center of it to end it, it really is something inaccessible. I enjoyed reading your reflection. Happy day to you.

Regardless, there is little incentive for healing under the current system, where everyone is basically a "profit center" rather than a patient.

Indeed! in the US of A and in most countries of the Western Hemisphere. According "the prescribed path of treatment" all of us are being seen as clients or "profit center" but never as patients who need cure or help.

 last month (edited) 

Yes, and to call it health care is even a little ironic...

Haha yeah! and here below some food for thought on the matter! ;o)