Winners Of Show Me A Photo Contest Round 165 in Feathered Friends Community

in Feathered Friends29 days ago

Hello Feathered Friends Lovers,

Another week is over and it is time to announce the winners of Round 165 of #SMaP (Show Me a Photo) Contest in Feathered Friends Community

The prompt was Birds on Wire, something you see on daily basis in towns and cities, or fields, or wherever there are wires. It is interesting how the birds perch and keep balance even if it is windy.

I want again to thank all participants. The entries were wonderful and I have now the pleasure to tell you who will be winner of this round are.

And now, the winners, but first let us see the collage of their photos.


And the winners of round 165 are:

in no particular order



Show Me a Photo Contest. Round 165. Theme. Bird/s on Wire




Feathered Friends - Show Me A Photo Contest Round 165


Bird On The Wire


Worried Crows — Entry for Feathered Friends — Show Me A Photo Contest Round 165

Each winner will receive 2 Hive. Another generous donation from @barbara-orenya with Ecency points increased the reward pool and the winners will receive 600 Points each.

Check your wallet as well.

And there is more -the winners will receive 0,05 HP from our sponsor @sagarkothari88

Congratulations and hope to see your entries again.

I invite you to check the blogs of our sponsors and show them some love!

👇 Don't forget to check this week's theme👇


As usual any suggestions for next themes are always welcome.

All comments written on Feathered Friends, Shadow Hunters, Feel Good and Ladies of Hive Community posts receive staked ARCHON tokens.


banner created by @barbara-orenya

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Thanks Neli and congratulations to the other winners.

Most welcome! 🙂

Thanks so much Neli for running weekly bird contests, congratulations to everyone who enters for the love of feathered friends.

Always welcome! 🙂❤

Hello dear friend @nelinoeva, good afternoon.
What beautiful birds they have presented to us this week, and how beautiful those that were chosen as the winners
My congratulations to all the winners.
Have a happy start to the week

I am impressed by all the entries. 🙂
Wishing you a successful week!

Those are some very good shots, congratulations to the winners of this round, keep up the great work!

!discovery 40

@nelinoeva! Your Content Is Awesome so I just sent 1 $BBH (Bitcoin Backed Hive) to your account on behalf of @dimascastillo90. (4/5)

They are really awesome and I am happy to show them.
Thank you very much for your support!

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Congratulations to all winners!

Beautiful birds, lovely photos. Congratulations to all the winners.

Thank you for your support, greatly appreciated!

Great to see all the trapeze artists of the feathered kind!

They are amazing, aren't they?
Thinking of how hard it is to stay on a thin wire, tried myself long time ago on a kind of rope, did not manage to stay a second. I was hopeless. LOL

Thank you very much @nelinoeva and #featheredfriends community for selecting my post in the winning list. I appreciate it. Congratulations to all the winners.

You are welcome! ❤

Thank you so much @nelinoeva, and congratulations to the other winners, as well!

You are most welcome!🙂

Hello Lady @nelinoeva
What beautiful birds, I love all the winners
My congratulations to all

There are so many nice entries. Hard to choose the winners.