Feathered Friday - Critters by the Lake

in Feathered Friends2 months ago (edited)

Here are a few sightings by the lake for this #featheredfriday

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One of the goose families just hatched a new brood.

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These might be one of the pairs that was nesting on my neighbor's balcony. She had two nests this year and I noticed only one goose sitting on a nest the other morning.

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I'll keep an eye out on them to see how many survive. So far I count five goslings total.

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Who knows how many they started with and if the foxes or hawks got a few of them on their journey from my building to the lake.

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These cormorants were all the way on the other side of the lake being shy. For some reason these black cormorants are more shy than the brown ones. I have yet to get a shot of them with a fish in their mouth.

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Tree swallows are back now that the insects are out.

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These nest boxes are supposed to be for bluebirds but the swallows tend to get to them first.

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They are quite tame if you can inch close to them. If I ever get a better burst shot camera I'll try and get a shot of them catching insects mid-air.

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I saw the huge snapper in the lake sunning itself on the floating islands. This poor guy appears to have an abscess on its head. Hopefully it can fight off the infection, otherwise the only way to fix him would be to lance it and disinfect the wound. Perhaps if he eats one of the Canadian goose goslings it will provide healing properties for him...

That's all for now, thanks for looking :-)


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Nice lake residents. I'm surprised to see a swallow just sitting. In my city, swallows only fly 😄 I feel sorry for the turtle, I hope everything will be fine with her.

Yeah the tree swallow are actively flying in the prairie but once you find where they live they are often perching for long periods of time, perfect for sneaking up on them. The barn swallows on the other hand are much more difficult, I don't think I've ever seen one perch on a branch. That poor turtle probably needs to be caught then given some surgery, the only problem is its a snapping turtle and it will bite your hand off if you get near its head lol.

more shy than the brown ones. I have yet to get a shot of them with a fish in their mouth

or perhaps just not good fishermen 😉

This poor guy appears to

be dead!!!

That was my first reaction... snappers are tough beasts maybe he will pull through.

I am excited that there is a bluebird working the insects under the leaves in my yard and checking out one of my birdhouses 🤞

Haha yeah the poor turtle does look dead. Hopefully it will fight off the infection. You better have a pellet gun ready just in case house sparrows try and evict the bluebird.