Prepare to be Amazed! Massive Spectator Turnout at Greece-Sardinia Rally

in Rallylast month

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Short Video Clip from @HiveFest Web3 Event with @crimsonclad @ssekulji & @neopch
Transcript: There was a 3.5 million spectators on the event during 4 days In Greece in Sardinia rally also WRC event there was 400 people spectators on the first day of the rally huge Since I heard about it and I've seen these photos and everything it's just you know like we were talking also before at the first day of the event when we met I was like this is it It's like this is something that finally can push Hive to be visible So now we've got you there I didn't put it out there but yeah basically winning the stage which is huge because again you know you go in as an underdog you're an unknown team Um but so the big thing now is okay yeah we've got the brand and the logo and everything out there and we've got you know a driver who's not just talented but also interested in in the actual tech with it too like i mean you you are less you know what i was gonna say a steemian through and through but we can't say that legacy chain a hiver through and through but because you made that journey with us from the legacy blockchain to the hive blockchain like more than anyone else you're the type of person who gets why it's so important so I guess the next kind of the next stage is rally fans see you um you know you have opportunities you're out at events people want to come shake your hand the next step is okay we've got a beautiful car we've got this opportunity for visual recognition But what I would like to see and I bet a lot of people would love to encourage is now how do we build you know a community around that on Hive.

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***Legal disclaimer: I am not a financial advisor. The advice here given is not a financial advice even though my excitement might make it look like such. Always Do Your Own Research!

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How can you upload a video and me not on 3speak? What to do?

I don't know. There was some issues 2 days ago (Status don't move, been on 0%). Try to logout and login again. Maybe that will fix it. I haven't got any issues today.