What happens when your rights are violated?

They call it Human Rights, they say these rights belong to us because we are humans, they say these rights cannot be taken from us, they say violation of Human rights is punishable by law and the tons of theories and rules backing the Fundamental Human Right but how come people who violate people’s rights every day walk freely without been punished for their crimes? How come Human right are seen as trash to some people? Are human rights meant for only a few people?



There were times when as a human being my rights were violated, there were times I fought back and things changed and there were times when I fought back and nothing changed. Worthy of note was the incident that occurred a few weeks ago.

I traveled to another city, on the day of my departure, I went to the motor park to board a vehicle back to my city. At the ticket point, I was told the amount I was supposed to pay for my transportation fare, I paid it and the ticket lady gave me my ticket and asked I tip her, I smiled, I tipped her and the next minute this lady hissed and was murmuring. I thought someone had annoyed her as it clearly wasn’t me, only for her to ask for my ticket, I innocently gave her and the next minute she handed over another ticket to me.


On this new ticket, I noticed a new seat number. Confused me could not process all that was happening until a lady who stood beside me chuckled and said “She has changed your seat number, you didn’t do her well”, I was dumbfounded, the lady noticed this and continued to explain.

So the thing is, if you tip them very well they will give you any of the good seats, and by good seats I mean a comfortable seat, that is, the seats in front where you can be comfortably seated with enough space to stretch your legs but if you don’t or under tip them they nonchalantly give you a bad seat.

After listening to the ridiculous explanation by the lady I laughed really hard, I laughed because it sounded like a bunch of crap but everyone concurred that it was how the ticket officers made extra money. I was mortified.

While I kept arguing with the ticket lady the manager came out of his office, there I was thinking he was sensible enough to fix the mess, the young man walked back after reluctantly telling the ticket lady to give me back my previous ticket. It was glaring that they were all playing the same game.

I stood there for minutes talking to the lady but I was ignored completely. I felt bad, so bad that I couldn’t do anything, I wanted to take back my money but they don’t do refunds.

With a heavy heart, I walked to the bus and sat on the seat.


A lot was going through my mind. I thought about how we all wish for a better society and future whereas a lot of us can’t even start by fixing the mess in our little corner.

It broke my heart that my human right was violated, it was my right to pay a particular amount of money to board a bus, and it was my right to be given a good seat as I was in the right queue but it was violated and all I could do was argue without anything happening or anyone coming to my rescue.

This was just a ticket ruckus, imagine the number of people who go through things like this daily, imagine being oppressed when you know your rights, imagine people equating human rights to human pockets and so many other disgusting things you can ever think of, or imagine.

Sometimes I feel really bad for all the brave men and women who fought and are still fighting for human rights as sometimes it looks like a lost cause but we only can be hopeful that things get better😃

This is my entry to the #Aprilinleo monthly prompt, to find more details about it you can check it in this post.

All images are mine except otherwise stated.

Thanks for stopping by
Loads of Love🥰🥰

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Africa operates largely on a quid-pro- quo basis even with regards to services you already paid for. People always want something “extra” to do what they’re supposed to do. The interesting thing is that everyone ignores the minor cases of this type of corruption, because we all have our eyes locked on politicians and the likes taking bribes in huge sums, when there’s broad daylight cases of bribery happening at even our bus stations. With a society like this, we still act surprised when kids grow into positions of power with the very values they saw normalized among even the local people.

I tell you, these little bribes here and there are what metamorphosis to bigger ones. At the end of the day we hope for a major change for our society but we are guilty of certain things.

Hehe, ita really funny dear how these people do atimes a the bus stations
It happened one day I had tiped a day before for a ticket and when I came d next day to board on, the bus was changed and my seat number automatically changed but my money gone, hehe
Well, it's d society we find ourselves

Really sad, it is well. We can only pray for a better society.

I'm really angry on your behalf, like, what the heck. See I'll drag that transport company to the last. A fellow lady like me treating me such way because of her position that she can be sacked at any time. She had better not meet me cos she'll regret it.
Nonsense and ingredients.


Lol I trust you😂😂😂 is it not Luchyl again? Don’t worry the next time such a thing happens I’m definitely calling you to deal with the person😂😂😂

Gosh, the ticket sellers are full of nonsense. I guess times are desperate and people need to find ways to make an extra bit of money. This doesn't justify the behaviour at all but one can understand why people stoop to such lows. Then again, perhaps this is just standard practice amongst ticket sellers, squeezing every bit of value possible from their customers, not caring about ethical practices. I'm sorry you were treated so poorly. Hopefully you find better people to deal with in future !LUV

I dropped in from Dreemport this evening.


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It really feels bad when our right are trampled upon but we keep Hoping for the Very Best 🙏

Yes mu !luv😃

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Nice 👍👍
Thanks 🙏