Spring is springing! Local foliage, flowers and garden updates

in Blessed Lettuce23 days ago (edited)

After a long winter my favorite moments of spring are happening, plants are blooming, little shoots are coming out of the ground and our garden is finally starting to grow a wee little bit. To date we have only planted a few cold hardy things, radish, spinach, snap peas. We also have chives, parsley, leeks, chard and mustard greens coming up again!

Our last frost date is June 3rd so atm I am in the process of hardening off a bunch of plants (my least favorite part of gardening tbh). In a few weeks after the danger of frost is gone we can finally start planting our summer stuff directly in ground :)

I have been taking a lot of walks along the coast and in the woods, here are some photos from my wanderings...

This is a magnolia and it smells absolutely amazing. I am tempted to go back in the fall and grab some of the dried flower heads for seed. (Don't know if it works like this for magnolia I will have to investigate):


Here is what the full plant looks like, it's a small tree/bush:

We have two massive Forsythias and they are in bloom with vibrant yellow. It barely bloomed at all last year maybe due to odd weather so it's amazing to see:

I read that forsythia can be used as a medicinal plant but after googlng I am not sure. One source said it can be consumed as a tea, another said it was mildly poisonous. I will probably skip it for now and just enjoy the beauty:

The ferns are starting to come up, they make beautiful closeup shots because of all the little hairs, it almost looks like felt?

I have way too many pictures of the forest so I'll just drop my recent faves:

Lastly we have been getting lots of visitors to the yard, lots of birds are back, the rabbit has been hanging around and most funny to me is this perfectly round porcupine LOL. He comes out of the bushes and munches a bit. I don't want to bother him, this is as close as I got for a photo, he just kind of looked at me and waddled back into the bushes:


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I love Spring, watch the flowers blooming is beautiful 😍🌹🌷🌸

Yes it's the best!

What a fantastic place and what beautiful pictures, I loved them all, I love nature!😍

Nature is the best artist I always say 😂

And she is our inspiration!

Wow, I want a Magnolia too, it’s beautiful! It seems to have only flowers, no leaves, that’s interesting.
The porcupine is adorable ^^ I’ve never seen one before. How big is it? More cat or dog size?

I looked it up and it seems you can harvest seeds from a magnolia, they look like red pinecone kind of so I will be keeping a lookout for when those arrive! The porcupine is definitely bigger than a cat, maybe like a small dog. They are total units though 😂

Lovely collecton of flowers. The pictures of forests are captured so well.

Thanks I love hiking through there it smells so fresh :)

It's a wonderful place, it looks like something out of a fairy tale, that forest. I loved the photo of the ferns sprouting. I often watch them, I like how they slowly unroll and have that layer of felt? haha.... good comparison.
That porcupine is funny. I zoomed in to see what it was all about, at first I thought it was plant art!

It's a good idea to admire the beauty of something you don't know well, instead of putting it in your mouth.


The ferns look incredible when they fan open, I can't wait!

Saludos @juliakponsford felicidades, excelentes fotografías, me han encantado. La naturaleza siempre debe ser la bandera. Éxitos.

TY francisco <3

I adore the baby ferns so much! dont have good captures of my own like that.
You does have wild porcupines occure in your local area? fantastic!

You know what's crazy? I have barely ever seen a live porcupine in my life until this year, I mostly see them dead on the side of the road I guess they try to cross and move way too slow 😭

I would assume that these animals are nocturnal.

I thought so too but I've seen them twice in the day, good question

How do you feel hearing the voices of birds at your yard every time?
You feel good, right?

Yes I love it, it's the best!

Beautiful flowers. I like the porcupine. :)