Sapien Loop - Part Four: The Lie

in Economics5 months ago

Hi Everyone,


Part 4 of my book, Sapien Loop, has been published on my @captainhive account. This collection post contains all twenty-three chapters from Part 4.

Part 4 begins by revealing the truth about the origins of Sapey and the Sapiens. Demarcus becomes the first Sapien to hear the truth. Most of his questions from Part 3 are answered. He takes what he has learnt back with him to Adoy. He is racing against the clock as the toxic solution has arrived in Adoy. He needs to prevent it from entering the water supply.

Part 4 explores the backstory of several of the main characters. It explores Pardi’s and Orcille’s childhoods. Where did Pardi’s anger come from? How did Orcille become so badly scarred? What was the story behind Orcille’s relationship with her father? It also explores Denise’s past and her relationship with Hamlet and David.

Part 4 marks the beginning of the serious uprisings around Sapey. It began with Adoy and Jeed. By the end of Part 4, the whole country appeared on the verge of uprising. What will be the straw that breaks the camel’s back?

Sapien Loop - Part 4: The Lie and Chapter 71: The Linap

This chapter describes the history of Sapia and the emergence of the Linap. It explains the Linap’s journey and why they created the Sapiens.

Sapien Loop - Chapter 72: Maintaining Control

This chapter explains how the Linap managed to maintain control of Sapey despite their failing health and limited numbers. It explains how the five main systems were used to control the Sapiens.

Sapien Loop - Chapter 73: Learning New Tricks

Demarcus has now absorbed all the information Lily had told him. He knew that in order to make a difference, he had to utilise his natural ability to become invisible and shapeshift.

Sapien Loop - Chapter 74: So It Begins

Pardi’s plan to distribute the solution to all the regions was in full swing. Could Sapey be about to change forever?

Sapien Loop - Chapter 75: Pardi’s Story

Pardi might be the most influential Linap in Sapey. However, his journey has been rough and full of tragedy. This chapter summarises the key events in Pardi’s life.

Sapien Loop - Chapter 76: Orcilla

The birth of Orcilla fills Pardi's life with joy. Unfortunately, things take another horrible turn. This time, Pardi’s pain is self-inflicted.

Sapien Loop - Chapter 77: Orcille

Orcilla’s life is in the balance. It looks like all is lost, but somehow she manages to pull through. The damage done between her and Pardi might be irreparable. This chapter is the defining moment in the creation of Orcille.

Sapien Loop - Chapter 78: Dead Wrong

The story returns to the present day. Orcille is still held captive in the remote facility. His health is failing. He desperately needs to find a way out. Maybe a new friend could make this possible.

Sapien Loop - Chapter 79: Not in My Water

Demarcus has arrived back in Adoy. He wants to share all he has learnt but he is running out of time. The trains have arrived. The solution is about to enter the main water supply. An unlikely ally helps to hinder this process.

Sapien Loop - Chapter 80: Fighting the Poison

It has been confirmed that the solution is toxic. The proposed quantities to be introduced into the main water supply will kill everyone in Adoy. Demarcus and Vulay team up to prevent this from happening.

Sapien Loop - Chapter 81: Unrest across Two Regions

The truth is out about the solution. Chaos immediately breaks out in both Adoy and Jeed. The enforcers are overwhelmed. There might be greater safety outside the walls than within them.

Sapien Loop - Chapter 82: Denise’s Story

Denise was not always so outspoken. When she was younger, she hardly spoke at all. Her friendship with David and Hamlet changed that. Her life changed with a single heroic moment.

Sapien Loop - Chapter 83: Artificial Intelligence Has Its Place

Leaders in the Capital Region had become aware of the capabilities of the Jennifer AI program. Pardi sent his elite IT team to reduce her capability and reach.

Sapien Loop - Chapter 84: The Genocide Cover Up

The violence had mostly died down in Adoy, but the real tragedy had only just begun. The media were on hand to capture it all and then lie about it.

Sapien Loop - Chapter 85: They Are Asking to Be Poisoned

The events of Adoy had sparked outrage across all the regions. They all wanted the solution. Lily had to put a stop to this. She courageously went on air to expose the lies about the solution. Unfortunately for her, things do not go according to plan.

Sapien Loop - Chapter 86: Getting Back on the Inside

Orcille had made it back to the Capital Region. He needed to stop Pardi’s nefarious plan and rescue the twins.

Sapien Loop - Chapter 87: There are Three of Us!

Orcille meets the twins. He informs them of the danger they are in. They bond quickly, but one of the twins is reluctant to leave the Capital.

Sapien Loop - Chapter 88: Day of Execution

It is the day of Lily’s execution. Pardi has tried his best to reduce her sentence to that of rehabilitation. However, for this to happen, Lily needs to admit she was wrong about the solution.

Sapien Loop - Chapter 89: Silent Scream

Orcille has decided to go ahead with his plan of transmitting the scream to the Sentray. He was going to use the trains to draw them in. Meanwhile, Pardi had invited the enforcers to his office for a very special meal and a few other surprises.

Sapien Loop - Chapter 90: You’re Not Going Anywhere

The twins had agreed to leave the Capital Region with Orcille. Pardi became aware of this development and decided to prevent it from happening.

Sapien Loop - Chapter 91: Repercussions

The leaders of the House of Divine Knowledge were appalled by what had happened to Lily. They also found out that she had been truthful all along. They decided they would appeal to the public in an attempt to reverse the Government’s recent actions.

Sapien Loop - Chapter 92: Unbreakable Control

The House of Divine Knowledge had sufficient evidence to prove Lily was right all along. However, the enforcers were instructed to prevent this evidence from being revealed. The leaders in West, decided they would reveal another secret instead.

Sapien Loop - Chapter 93: Feels Like the End

Orcille was still in the Capital Region. He had not given up on rescuing the twins. He finally reached them, but this had tragic consequences.

More posts


I have several collections of posts. I have organised these collections based on content and purpose.

The first collection contains six collection posts created before PeakD had the collection feature. Four of these posts relate to the core of my content; one of them contains all my Actifit Posts, and one of them contains my video course, ‘Economics is Everyone’.


The second collection consists of the posts that I consider define my channel. These posts are significant in terms of content as well as how they contribute to the growth of the channel. These posts reveal the most about what I believe in.


The third and fourth collections are what I call my ‘Freedom-based Economics Living Book’. They contain all the posts that support my ideas about the value and power of freedom. Some of these posts explain what we can achieve with freedom and what we need to utilise it for. Some of them explain how we are deprived of freedom and how we often give up freedom for security and comfort. The third collection concludes with possible scenarios depending on what we (society) choose to do.



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