Welcome to the Personal Development Community!

in Personal Development3 years ago (edited)



Finally! The day has arrived for me to launch this very special community. Welcome to the Personal Development Community! One of my Hive Vision and Goals is to create a community where everyone can share their personal experiences and learn about personal development.

But what is Personal Development?

Personal Development is the life-long journey of maximizing our potentials and capabilities for us to achieve our goals and become the best version of ourselves. Each of us has been given the greatest of gifts and the power of free will. It is our destiny to actualize our purpose and our potential in this world.

"True and enduring power expresses itself when you contact your original gifts and realize your most lavish talents as a human," said Robin Sharma.

Personal development is about reaching deep inside us and taking a hold of our inner strength to pursue our passions, interests, and aspirations. Shying away from our inner greatness and living a mediocre life is disrespectful to ourselves and to the person we could become.

Marianne Willamson once said, "Our deepest fear is not that we are inadequate. Our deepest fear is that we are powerful beyond measure. It is our light, not our darkness that most frightens us. We ask ourselves, 'Who am I to be brilliant, gorgeous, talented, fabulous?' Actually, who are you not to be?"



Personal Development is such a broad subject. There is so much to write and talk about it. To help us better decide on the type of content to publish in this community, I have prepared the list below. This list can also be found in the Description section of the Community Page.

  • Learning a new skill or capability
  • Pursuing your creativity and passions
  • Implementing positive changes in your life
  • Adopting tools and strategies to improve your way of life
  • Nurturing your holistic needs (physical, mental, emotional, social, spiritual)
  • Achieving personal and professional goals
  • Overcoming adversities and struggles in life
  • Sharing inspiring and uplifting stories of personal growth

To keep things in order, here are a simple set of rules for everyone who wishes to post and engage within the community. These can also be found in the Rules section of the Community Page.

  1. Kindly post related content only. See the community description.
  2. Content must be original and, preferably, personal. No plagiarized content, please.
  3. Post must be in English or must have an English translation.
  4. Cross-posting is encouraged if your content is relevant to other communities.
  5. No hate speech, derogatory terms, and forms of discrimination are allowed. You will be muted.

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We can all learn from each other and take inspiration from our stories. Let us create a space in Hive where we can all share our journeys to becoming the best version of ourselves. Feel free to start publishing or crossposting in this community.

As for me, I will now have the proper avenue to share about my personal goal setting, my stories about learning how to drive a motorcycle or conquering the fears of freediving, reading more books this year than I've had in the past 10 years combined, developing the habit of waking up at 5 AM, becoming a digital minimalist, my fitness journey, and so much more!

I will be reaching out to the authors whose type of content I think will do well in this community. I've been keeping an eye on them (I don't want to tag them just yet). Also in my coming posts, I will be doing a writing prompt to help us share our personal development journeys.

And together, let us all reach our full potential!

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He’s a dreamer and a thinker. He tends to sensationalize a lot of things. He got that from his mother. He’s also a bit melodramatic. Must be from his father. Bear with him as he shares his thoughts and experiences about his travels, dreams, and the variety of things he’s trying to learn and improve (personal development, writing, cryptocurrency, fitness, etc.). If you like this article please give it an upvote and if for some reason you’re interested in more future content, please don’t hesitate to follow.

Thank you for this new space @glecerioberto. We're excited to share our personal developments too in this community. 😊❤️

 3 years ago  

Yes! Everyone is welcome. Looking forward to your content. 😁

Yehey! Finally! I was waiting for the launching of your Personal Development Community. Will be writing a lot of stuff in this community for sure. Congratulations, love! Cheers to continuous improvement. ❤️💪

 3 years ago  

Finally jud! Daghan na kaayo kog daghan isuwat diri. 😅 Thanks, love!
Excited for the stuff you'll be publishing soon. 😁

So happy to have a community for Personal Development topics!! Congratulations @glecerioberto!!

 3 years ago  

Yes! I'm sure you'll have lot of posts for the community Carlos! 😁

A great initiative to build this community. Congratulations and thank you Glebert

 3 years ago  

You're welcome, @dora381! I've wanted to do this since last year and it's finally happened? 😁

Hyped to post my blogs here. Thank you

 3 years ago  

Nice! Looking forward to it. 👌

This is one of the communities I am looking for so far. Aside from entertainment every individuals must commit on their personal development. This gives a freedom of self expression . I am hoping you can conduct a contest every weekend by setting questions related to personal development because there will be more people who are willingly share their stories and count me in. Maayong hapon😊

 3 years ago  

Hi, @missdonna! Lovely suggestion about the contests. Di lang siguro every week kay dmd. 😂 Maayong hapon sad. 😊

aw heheheheh kay willing unta gyud ko mag apil sa contest sir if ever. sabot rako unsay availability.

Yay! I am excited for this community!

 3 years ago  

Me too, @herkeepsake! Let's populate the community with our posts. 😁

We need this! 😀😄

Nice! Thank you for this, I will definitely share some stuff in this new space. ❤️

joining this community!

Aw hi I've been looking for this Community since I first joined Hive. I'm so happy and excited that I found it here now. And thank you so much for this new space. I'm so much into Personal Development too and it has been the most exciting-bittersweet adventure ever! Can't wait to see more and share more! Cheers!

Personal Development is the life-long journey of maximizing our potentials and capabilities for us to achieve our goals and become the best version of ourselves

Oh nice...this would be a great community that will add value to our lives..

 3 years ago  

Yes! I believe Hive deserves a space where we can all learn and support our values.
Have a nice day!

And you too

Nice one and good to see this too

This is great community that will develop one’s creativity

Andito ako dhl kay Patsi. Nacurious lng haha.. Papost ako sa community mo next time 😁

I can't wait to be a part of this journey.We are looking forward to your contents.

Congratulations on your community! This is a great avenue for us to share and support one another to be the best version of ourselves! Makapressure na nuon. haha. maikog nako mag procrastinate. haha

 3 years ago  

Don't be pressured! We're here to motivate and share our knowledge with each other. Thank you, Claire! Congrats pud diay sa imong community. Community leaders naman diay ta, char. hahaha.