Rain, Darts, Chiro, Knife, Man Utd, Bees, Rhubarb, Dandelions, Meeting, Trailer - Monday

in Homesteading25 days ago

I woke yesterday morning to the sound of the bald eagles screaming at each other in their nest on the hill at 4am. The doppler showed the storm was sitting over us still and slowly moving off.


The PDC players championship days are going and I caught a good number of the matches. I got to watch Barney win a match handily. In the End Michael Smith won the day.


.9 inches of rain from the prior 24 hours which puts us equal with this time in 2020 for total rainfall ytd.


I went to town for my chiro appointment and got the results of my nerve scan which is pretty cool and gives me a base line for later in the year when I get scanned again.I got gas on the way home which nicely had me at the pump as the highway patrol drove south away from the direction I was going home.


We got bouts of sunshine in between the quite nice looking cummis that were building up.


My hook knife arrived and it is quite nice. The sleeve fits nice and tight on it and it took me a few to figure out how best to attach it to my harness.


In my camera accessories I had a perfect strap that holds it firmly on my left shoulder strap on the harness and is in very easy access.


What an embarrassing abortion of a match Man Utd played. They looked like straight amateurs and got themselves whooped like the mid table team they are. This season has been such a shit show that they had better clean house this off season and bring in a whole new group to take the club in the correct direction, NOT down the table. I didn't even watch the end it was just sad. So long to ETH, really curious who the next manager will be.


When the sun was shining the bees were buzzing and were hard at work. When it clouded and rained a bit later I took the chance to clear the mass of wax from the entrance for them.


The rhubarb had started to pop flower stalks so I went through both plants and hacked them out then threw them over the hill. I need to harvest some in the next day or two.


After getting the boys from school I was out in the yard digging more dandelions. This time I finished off the area around the garden shed and the cool garden.


It still gave me a pretty big pile which I will haul to the animals today.


From near noon on through the afternoon the storms cells flew past and occasionally dropped a bit of rain but for the most part missed us.


I got dinner ready in time so I could head to town for our flying club meeting at 6. There was only a handful of us but was still good to get together. This was the sunset as I drove home.


Once home I got the trailer hooked up for the grain run I will be doing this morning after taking the boys to school. Then I will go out and try to fly at Saltese.


Got out to soak where @stryeyz was already.


Today I get the boys to and from school, pickup grain and empty barrels, fly at Saltese, come home and empty the grain, cut grass, go over flight data if I get any this morning, then come up with dinner this evening.

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I couldn’t come online yesterday because of Man United’s match. The beating was a crazy one😅

I'm interested in the bald eagles. Hahaha, where is it?

They have their nest on the hill above the house. I don't know why they have to argue at 3am... least they could do is wait till light.

Hahaha, you cannot blame them, it's their schedule time of arguing. 😅