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RE: Gathering wood to turn into mulch for our crop

in Homesteading3 months ago

I missed reading your post. Just a hard working man and his buddies building a great estate castle.

Im feel home now. My few months of training paid off!

Also where are zeeee ducks!


Well glad I could write another one to share with ya'll. One step at a time we will get there.

Oh nice man, the chicken and duck enclosure is almost done. I know I keep saying that, lol..

I got the rubber painted on the walls. And just built a ramp for the ducks so they can get up into their nesting boxes. And build a roost for the chickens. We plan on getting them this spring still.

WHat is this Fowl Condo Duplexe.

Im literally malding here since the barn animals have "PAINTED WALLS". My room looks like a Bunker from WW2.

Ohh right i should do i duck post as well. Since i mostly just share stuff in discord, but its like several months old already.

Not even sure of the duck situation anymore ever since i got kicked out.

But overall, great progress and dedication you have there.

We artist would yap about animations or artworks that would take weeks or over a month.

Farmer BOIZ out there doing Manual labor year round.

GRRRRR you just built different.