watermelon that looks lush and very sweet

in CCH14 days ago (edited)
Watermelon is very fertile and the fruit is quite large. I like it very much ![]() Today I went to my brother's garden and saw a very fertile watermelon plant. I really liked it and I was very entertained enjoying the watermelon. I also felt that the watermelon tasted very sweet It turns out my sister has a pond to store water in the dry season for watering watermelons. I am very impressed with my brother who has struggled hard to grow watermelons.

I also took some photos to share here with you, my blog nest friends. I hope you like it and are entertained by what I share, including this watermelon.

So my sister's friend also grows tomatoes and papaya besides watermelon
Apart from tomatoes and papaya, my brother also grows old crops such as oil palm
Abang planted watermelons next to oil palms because oil palms are still small so they are safe to plant like young plants like watermelons.

I am very proud of my brother because I see that the watermelons he planted can be harvested
I was also very entertained by the presence of watermelon in my sister's garden. I can enjoy the fresh air like a gentle breeze because my brother is an expert farmer in his garden near the sea.
So friends, wherever you are, that's what I can tell you today about my sister's gardening method, growing watermelons that are extraordinarily fertile.
because watermelon needs a lot of water, my sister also provided a pond to collect water
Hopefully with my post and the information I share, other farmers can benefit from it
and for those who plant watermelons so that the fruit is bigger and more fertile and can get a good harvest as the farmers dream of
So friends, wherever you are, I also don't forget to ask for your support. Hopefully in the future I can be even better and can carry out better activities here with you.
OK friends, see you in the next post.


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