take a walk to the rice fields good afternoon on Wednesday

in CCH17 days ago (edited)

Hi, hello friends, wherever you are today, how are you? I hope you are fine and always healthy.

So on this occasion I also want to attach to you some photos of the natural disasters in our area when I went to the rice fields for a walk this Wednesday and coincidentally today the sunlight was really very bright and bright. in the sky, I don't forget to capture the moments in the rice fields. Coincidentally, I also went here to see the growth of rice and also hunt for the sunset on the western horizon.

So at the race the sun was starting to set and the sun was really very beautiful. You could see the sun was starting to go down a bit but there was still a difference in light between the leaves and the light was very beautiful.

So I didn't even call to convince you to play around with the sunset while hanging out on Wednesday.

In the rice fields you can see lots of views of the people's rice which is starting to turn green and we pray that it will be fertile and can be harvested for them to eat. And also some of it is for them to sell to buy other ingredients so I really really like seeing the view. -wars like this are sometimes healthy for our eyes, especially when we have just seen bright monitors, so we are required to rest our eyes or go for a walk to see the green scenery.

for more details, who has prepared some of the photos below

View of rice fields with a very distant sunset in the background

This is my trip this Wednesday. I hope you like the view I managed to capture when I went on holiday to the rice fields


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Oe thank you.I just know. Excuse me