EN/ES:My first purchase of the week with HBD//Mi primera compra de la semana con HBD

in Hive Sucre29 days ago (edited)



¡Saludos y feliz inicio de semana!

Comencé mi día con todos las energías y ganas del mundo, pues ayer fue el día de las madres y aproveche ese día para relajarme, pasar tiempo de calidad con mi mamá y ganar energía para esta nueva semana.

Así que aproveche de darle un pequeño vistazo a mi almacén de alimentos y note que faltaban algunas cosas, hice una pequeña lista de lo que podía comprar en mi hora libre de trabajo y salí.

Mis planes estaba por comprar una parte en el Hato grill, uno de mis aliados comerciales preferidos y completos de la ciudad, aproveche de también comprarle las galletas preferidas a mi novia, ya que se acabaron, son las que lleva a su trabajo y les encanta, aproveche de llevarme unas y listo.

Tenía un poco de prisa. Pues tampoco me gusta ausentarme mucho de mi lugar de trabajo, así que aproveche de hacer mi pago en HBD rápido y seguro, no tarde ni 5 minutos en completar la compra, ya que los encargados del pago, están seguros y confían en los HBD al igual que nosotros.

Satisfecho con, con la compra y el pago, volví a mi lugar de trabajo, a continuar mi día y sin nada pendiente que comprar gracias a nuestros aliados comerciales


Greetings and happy start of the week!

I started my day with all the energy and desire in the world, because yesterday was Mother's Day and I took advantage of that day to relax, spend quality time with my mom and gain energy for this new week.

So I took the opportunity to take a little look at my grocery store and noticed that some things were missing, I made a small list of what I could buy in my free time from work and went out.

My plans were to buy some at the Hato grill, one of my favorite and complete commercial allies in the city, I also took the opportunity to buy my girlfriend's favorite cookies, since they ran out, they are the ones she takes to work and they love them, I took the opportunity to take some with me and that was it.
I was in a bit of a hurry. Well, I don't like to be away from my workplace too much, so I took the opportunity to make my payment in HBD fast and safe, it didn't take me even 5 minutes to complete the purchase, since the payment managers are safe and trust HBD as we do.

Satisfied with, with the purchase and payment, I returned to my place of work, to continue my day and with nothing pending to buy thanks to our commercial allies.


Todas las fotografías las tomé con mi Samsung A15, las ediciones la elaboré con Canva App y la traducción con DeepL.

All the pictures were taken with my Samsung A15, the edits were made with Canva App and the translation with DeepL.

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La semana se empieza muy bien comprando con HBD, así que por ahí ya vamos bien. Saludos, amigo.

Saludos amiga, iniciamos la semana con todo 💪

Happy mother's day to your Mom bruv and nice choice for shopping groceries with HBD 🫡

Greetings and happy Mother's Day to your mother.
I always buy important things for my mother, it's a constant, there will always be something to buy.

Absolutely, I have to admit, my mother has issues deciding what she wants so I make myself a lazy son and just give her cash 😂😂😂 hugging her all over 😂😂😂

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